Wednesday, June 16

I really should read the local paper...

My friends who work for the local newspaper, the Times-Picayune, often tell me that it is the most successful newspaper in "penetration". While this phrase has often concerned me for a number of reasons, I must start reading it a little more often. Had I read it yesterday before work I would have been a little more prepared for what the evening would become. Surely they published a story, an evacuation warning or something that made every low-rent, mouth breathing piece of trash from the outlying areas come into town, like they were on the egg money. The best word to describe the bar last night was SKETCHY. We have a meteorological convention in town right now, one would think they would have given me some super Doppler warning of flying trash.

I'm off to the supermarket to buy supplies for the funeral party later this afternoon. Ciao!


At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Main Entry: pen·e·tra·tion
Pronunciation: "pe-n&-'trA-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 1605
1 a : the power to penetrate; especially : the ability to discern deeply and acutely b : the depth to which something penetrates c : the extent to which a commercial product or agency is familiar or sells in a market
2 : the act or process of penetrating: as a : the act of entering a country so that actual establishment of influence is accomplished b : an attack that penetrates the enemy's front or territory
synonym see DISCERNMENT

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Well, all of us here who are actually spending time reading your therapy sessions, realize, of course, that its certianly not the 2nd definition that bothers you, for the evidence to that is quite the contrary as attested by many a whitness here down in Louisana as well as that little white trash community you Yankee's like to call Indianapolis. (EG: The railings of the Bourbon Pub, the tables on the patio of Our Place, and your country wide exploits in the steam room at the Club)


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