Saturday, October 9

Summer Breeze, make me feel fine....

Hurricane Matthew? No... Tropical Storm Matthew, yes! Perhaps to remind us of his absence or to warn of wrath, tropical storm Matthew arrives in New Orleans this weekend, the weekend that Mattie is out of town. Tonight at the pub there were mentions here and there from various folks, both those that had been in touch with him and those that wondered how he was doing.

When I spoke to him tonight he was doing fine, having survived one day of interviews and really loved the city. Something about how they have seasons, I didn't hear the rest (bad connection). He promised a blog entry sometime in the next few days of his adventures.

I watched the Presidential Candidate debate tonight, the only one I have been able to watch in full since they started. I have seen bits and pieces of both the previous Pres. Debate and the VP debate but thanks to broadband internet have probably seen all of it by now. Thankfully the Democrats have come out ahead all three times. We are finally seeing a push in the polls (which guide the election more than most realize probably) towards Kerry. Do I think he's the best man for the job of running this country...Probably not. He's not George Bush, and that alone gets my vote. It's easy to hate Bush, and on individual causes it's easy to point out why people hate him. He's abused the environment, he's gone from a huge surplus to a huge deficit, he's taken us into a war on false pretenses, he's used 9/11 as an excuse to invalidate our personal liberties, he's presided over the biggest loss of jobs since Herbert Hoover, he's supported the use of a constitutional amendment to discriminate against gay people, he's not given support (other than lip service and not much of that) to the continuation of the ban on assault rifles (legislation full of problems without the support of the white house.) What I can't figure out is how in Gods name is there any chance of him winning How? HOW?

Right now is a good time to live here in the French Quarter. Everywhere you turn you see Kerry bumperstickers, Kerry posters, Kerry supporters. It somehow (even in a state that will ultimately give it's electoral votes to Bush) makes life seem credible, like there are people that are paying attention, that I'm not insane for hoping that I can establish a life outside of this country if indeed he does manage to get re-elected. My favorite bumpersticker: "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."

I have so many things on my mind to write about, but 6 am is probably not the time....Especially if I don't intend to edit.....G-night....


At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does Kerry offer, other than being not Bush? I can't figure it out.

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It deeply saddens me to see you use the word hate so freely. It is indeed easy to hate anyone, not just Bush, and history is replete with the results. If you can hate Bush so much and with such ease, than why can't hate be a "family value". Think about it. The laws and violence directed at homosexuals are the product of hate, and hates fellow traveller fear. Dislike someone, disagree with them to you very last breath on this earth, but don't hate and expect them not to hate you.
John in Indy.

At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ping Twins would roll over in their grave(s) before giving George Bush their vote....


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