Wednesday, September 15

Hurricanes, Curfews, Anger and Posts I Owe....

Well I am sitting here in my house, plywood on some of the windows, shutters nailed shut on others. The dogs, like their owners, are a bit stir crazy already. I spend HUGE amounts of time laying around doing nothing, but always with the option to go out of the house if I want. Now the city of New Orleans has issued a curfew starting at 2 pm. Businesses had to close (yes, even the bars, but that's another topic, see Anger) and you were supposed to be indoors to "hunker down." The phrase hunker down was used by nearly every single media type at one point or another today. The media hype has been comical but our uber-wonderful Uncle Tom Mayor Ray Nagin has been a total embarrassment. Yesterday he urged people to hit ATM's or banks on their way out of town because "you never know when you're gonna need some benjamins." WHAT? WHAT? Today he urged people that if they did open shelters (fearing the debacle of the last time the superdome was used and gutted by vandals) that you were not to bring your pets, any weapons or your large screen TV. If you are the kind of person who would seek out a shelter it is probably because you have no way of leaving the city. If that's the case, why do you have a large screen TV to start with?

All this and now we are not even going to get hit by Ivan. What a waste of time.

Let's talk about it a little more though. Jeff and I first planned to grab the dogs and head to Jackson, his hometown. We opted not to go that route, fearing that we would be more in the path of the storm so we started looking towards Houston. New Orleans had not yet issued a voluntary evacuation so there were plenty of hotel spaces left, but the only ones that would take dogs (often at an added expense) were SUPER expensive. We decided to stay put for the time being and decide the next day when we knew more about storms path. I went to the pub in the afternoon, it was my day off and I was just wandering around. Terry, the daytime manager, was nice enough to give me some left-over plywood for one of my windows. Our managers (and most of the employees) are fond of thinking of each other as a family, and so I was glad to see that spirit being shown. How quickly it would dissipate. I know in the past that people have stayed at the pub during hurricanes and other inclement weather, and asked if that were going to be offered this time. I was assured on Monday night that I could come to the pub, bring my dogs (though encouraged to bring their kennels) and that Jeff could come along. This became our plan. We went out last night and there were many employees who were planning to stay at the pub as well, it sounded like we were going to have a good time of it, whiling away the wailing winds. I felt like Maggie Smith in "Tea with Mussolini," preparing to tell the National Guard evacuaters, "The Italians and the Germans couldn't get rid of us, do you really think were going to surrender to the Scots?" I digress. Today we were gathering our things (clothes, important papers) and doing the last few things before we left for the bar. I called there to make sure we still had until 2 pm and was told that Jeff wasn't welcome, only employees. My first reaction to this was that it was being done in response to one of our security guards who was determined to bring his sour faced pre-maturely balding boyfriend as well as his straight (unless you have $100 an hour) roommate plus the straight (unless you have $100 an hour) boys girlfriend. I think my situation is a little different. This is the person I dated for 2 1/2 years, who I have lived with for 2 years, who has been issued a pass as a spouse for every holiday for the last 2 years, who is allowed in the employee areas of the bar, always included in every spousal (and close friend) event at the pub and on top of all that, was a customer who was quite friendly with the current operations manager for five years before we ever met. All that said, I was told that I had to call the GM at home to ask his specific permission. I called and he informed me that I could bring the dogs, but not Jeff, as it was against their insurance. He did eventually relent, begrudgingly, but by then I was soooooo furious that I would have drowned in my attic before going there for the night. That was before noon today and I am still angry. There have been many moments when the pub managers and employees have gone out of their way for me, financially and otherwise. Conversely, there have been MANY times that I have gone out of my way for the pub. I have worked longer shifts, covered shifts, decorated for parties that actually cost me more than I made and I totally appreciate the gesture of them allowing us higher ground (though it's self serving....You're not gonna call in sick when it's all over if you're already there) but they infuriated me by determining that part of my family wasn't welcome.

Outside, there is a little rain, a little wind and that's about it. Mobile is probably being trashed already. Jeff's sister lives there, but she evacuated early, so we're glad that she's safe. Perhaps I sound a bit whiny, but I find it odd that not one single member of my fathers family (including my father) called to inquire of my safety. I have received calls from all across the country, California to New York, but nary a peep from my father. I'm going stir crazy and getting bitter.

Posts I owe...Well let's talk about Decadence. There really isn't much to write. It was hot, but not too hot, the crowds were fun, but not out of control. I worked A LOT, long hours, but still had time to go out and have a little fun (and let's get it out of the way, yes I did drink during the holiday and have continued to drink since, but this was a conscious choice and I have yet to get "trashed" or even drink anywhere near the amount I used to drink.) I met two great guys from San Francisco, Jason and Jared. Scott and Sheldon were around a lot since they were staying across the street at the Bourbon Orleans so I got to spend time with them. I like those two, they are a lot of fun. Mike even left his hermits hut to come out some and we stayed at VooDoo way too late one night. Holidays are always a good time to see people who don't come out or who don't come to town except for special weekends. I did have a quarrel with a woman who threw water at me. One of my customers threw his drink on her in response but I'll leave the rest to a story told late at night over a cigarette and a cocktail.

Okay, so that's it....a new post from me...I'm too tired to do links but I promise to update more often from now on...aight!


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