Thursday, August 12

Full Disclosure

I wasn't going to write this entry. The events of Tuesday were going to slip away, having been told to one or two people under the theme "unbelieveable". In the interest of full disclosure, I will tell my tale.

Tuesday nights are not normally busy nights at the pub. We were showing QAF but thankfully the season has ended. I expected to be pretty bored but we were steady. I had several employees drinking (and tipping, thanks guys!) at my bar. Late in the night two guys came in drinking daquiries. They weren't sitting on my side of the bar so I didn't pay that much attention except that one of them was very cute. Cutie called me over, wanting a drink but not knowing what he wanted. He flirtatiously asked me "What do you drink?" Given my newfound sobriety (though in the same disclosure vein, I had A glass of wine with my dinner last night) I answered proudly, "I don't drink, I quit." He asked, "Well when you did drink, give me one of those." I fixed him up a SoCo and Coke and he drank it down, exclaiming "that's sweet but good!" A few minutes later he called me back over asking me for a pen and paper and if maybe I could find him a cigarette. Flirting now myself I offered him a cigarette in exchange for a kiss on the cheek. I got a big wet smooch and he returned my pen and the napkin which had his phone number AND his room number at the Marriott. He urged me to "come by" when I got off work. Shady as this was, he was pretty hot in that trashy sort of way.

No sooner had he left when an adorable young kid walked in and ordered, nervously, a bourbon and coke. I made it for him and we chatted as he fumbled for money in his pockets. I introduced him to two of my other friends, Scott and Brian, and waited on a few other people. When I came back he was showing off his various tattoos, the largest one covering about a 1/3 of his upper back. The best one though, if that can be said of tattoos, was the rotten apple on his inner left bicep. He was almost red faced when he said "I'm the bad apple." I swooned at his cuteness. The boy, Dustin, was telling me that he came into town with a friend on the bus from Lafayette, LA to pick up a car from said friends ex-wife. The rest was a little fuzzy, I think the ex-wife wasn't home or wouldn't give up the car or something but they now had to take the bus BACK to Lafayette. With a coy smile he said "My bus doesn't leave for two hours, what are you doing after work?" I couldn't believe that two different people would come in and hit on me on a slow tuesday night, but hey, I wasn't arguing. I was getting read to get off work but went back to chat with Dustin to tell him to wait for me to check out my nights drawer. Then the proverbial "other shoe" dropped. Dustin told me he needed to work to make the money for his ticket back to Lafayette. A hooker, great. Never one to pass up on an adventure I said "So how much does a ticket to Lafeyette cost?" "twenty-two dollars." While I tossed over the idea in my head of giving the boy 22 bucks, I was about to ask what one got for their money when I was relieved by my co-worker. While I was in the back the boy left, telling the morning bartender to let me know he had to go back to Lafayette. He must have found someone who would buy a round trip ticket.

I headed home but then decided just to call the other boy to see what was up, more thinking of the next day when I had the night off. I dial the number on the napkin and a girl answers, never having heard of the boy I was calling. Why someone would flirt, unprovoked, with someone and then give them a wrong number and ask them to call is beyond me but that is what happened.

So there you have it, full disclosure of my absent sex life and two more marks slid over onto the scale of becoming a hermit and avoiding all mankind.


At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't goint to tell anyone this story...


At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a better man than I am. I would have shouted the whole ulgy sorrid mess from the highest mountian. Since we have no mountians here in Indiana, Lawrence is safe. Except for the 50 or so locals I will tell, and yes Lawrence my dear, I will give it the proper enhancements.
John In Indy


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