Thursday, July 1

Vacation, Schmacation

Sorry for the absence of posts, but I am on vacation in Sunny Indiana. Thus far the trip has been pleasant, if uneventful. It's been great to see my sister, mom and old friends and I have many things to share with you. It's gettin late now (dear god, did I just say it was late at 12:30 at night??)so I think I should go to bed. My body is slowly adjusting to early bed and early rise (10 am usually) but I will probably be happy to go back to my all nite life and late day sleeping.

My best to all my gentle readers (all 5 of you) and I promise many hilarious observations and outtakes early next week. Everything from deer hunter expos to throwing up in your mouth fortune cookies and let's not forget heavily armed police officers watching over those of us who chose to spend our money to see Farenheit 9/11....but more about that later. I'm off to Michigan tomorrow morning for five days of camping at a gay campground. One can only assume that I will have much to say when it's over..Ta Ta for now...


At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have 5 readers?


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