Tuesday, June 22

Just one more time....

I know I use the word "seriously" a great deal, but seriously, if one more straight woman sitting at my bar says "You know who you remind me of? Jack from Will and Grace!" Some of these people are very nice but my animated ways pre-date NBC finally realizing gays were marketable. I'm sorry that their view of the world is 27 inches and built on stereotypes, but it certainly does explain the popularity of the film "Jerry Maguire."

I don't mean to be so nasty, but I just finished working my first graveyard shift ( 5 am to 1 pm ) and I'm understandably a little cranky.



At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand what "Jerry Maguire" has to do with any of this. Maybe "Jackass: The Movie." But not "Jerry Maguire."

At 9:57 PM, Blogger YankeeNexile said...

okay, perhaps you haven't watched "Jerry Maguire" lately. Let's review how that film was created; a bunch of stuido execs sat around looking at demographics of who attends the most movies. "Okay," they said, we gotta have a love story where the ugly girl gets the hot guy, that'll bring in the chicks and they'll make their boyfriends take them. Let's add a really obnoxious black man who screams really obnoxious stereotypical black man things and oh yeah, let's make him a big sports star. That should bring the blacks into the theater. We're missing something, oh wait, precocious child and a bitter divorcee', YES! Now we have every group, EVERYONE will see this movie."

At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, it was actually created by Cameron Crowe, who also did "Say Anything" and "Almost Famous." Now, "Will and Grace" was probably created by a committee.

At 5:53 PM, Blogger YankeeNexile said...

Blah, Blah, Blah...Say anything was boring too and who cares if I am wrong about how the movie was created, it's still a horrible movie...period.


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