Sunday, July 25

A quintessential New Orleans Morning

While walking home this morning about 6:30 I stopped at the gay deli for a little brekkie.  I was with Matt and that usually ends up in at least one of us getting hurt.  So while Matt was making out with one or two boys outside (one of whom we had nicknamed inside of 10 seconds of meeting him) I was inside being jokingly taunted into a kickboxing match by the homophobic cook.  I told him I couldn't kickbox since I was wearing bell bottoms or I would bust my ass on the floor.  He kept taunting me so I attempted to do my Karate Kid moves for him and wouldn't you know it, I ended up right on my ass.  You would think I would know better but hell, southern comfort said I could do it, so I tried.  Oh well.


At 10:32 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

I think they were cute. But at 6:30 am, it's a sliding scale.


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