Saturday, August 21

A Rainy Day in New Orleans

So here it is, Saturday, a full week since I've posted anything on my blog. First let me wish a Happy Birthday to my dear friend Jason in Indianapolis. A high school chum, Jason is just a few weeks younger than me, he now joins me as we tread toward our "middle 30's." Speaking of middle 30's, Scottie had his birthday on Thursday, schooching over the line to 34 (or 35 if you believe the stories I've spread.)

On sobriety, well it's day 19 and I am still a sober duck. I probably smoke more but we'll see what we can do about that in time. It's amazing what people will say to you about not drinking when you work in a bar. Terry, the daytime manager of the pub, was blunt in saying "I know you, you won't fall off the wagon, you'll jump off and it will run over you." I have heard similar from others, which I think is just pretty humorous. I remember one of the time my father was dragged to a dry out center (See I resisted the urge to say Sanitarium) I went through the "family program" at the hospital. This is basically where they tell you that you've been part of the problem and you need to stop being co-dependent. The alcoholic then cries and owns up to every horrifying way they have ruined their families lives and everyone cries and forgives them. Got the picture? Right. (If you sense a touch of bitterness here, you're right) One thing that I did learn though, which really was geared for the alcoholic but I was listening, was how your friends will react to your new found sobriety. It's common for people to be un-supportive, in many cases they may want you to fail because your success highlights their own alcohol issues. All this being said, most of my friends have been great to me though for the life of them they can't really figure out why I stopped. I'm not much one for touchy feely emotional crap but it's been like a gossamer blanket of love wrapp....Oh Jesus, I think I slipped into an AA brochure...Seriously, it's been great to have people be supportive of my decision and respect my choices. I'm not bothered by seeing other people drink though my nerves are probably a little on edge from behavior (read: drunken stupidity) that I'm not part of anymore.

This last week has seen a return to New Orleans from Baby Ivan (AKA Baby Invalid Ivan; Baby Monkey Ivan). Ivan left us a few years ago for Chi-Town but now is working as a cart pusher for United Airlines so he'll be visiting more. True to form he disappeared his first night and it took people about 12 hours to find him. He wasn't found in VooDoo, which is where one could normally find him in the late afternoon during a holiday weekend, still playing video poker from the night before.

Thank god decadence is almost here. Seriously, this summer has been a drain on my wallet. Normally we make good money even in the summer at the pub, but this summer has been horrible. Bring on decadence, bring on the money and bring on tourist season.

The Hurricanes in Florida have highlighted how prone we are here in New Orleans. A slow moving category 3 hurricane would destroy the city. I can't even imagine trying to evacuate the city, especially since there is basically only one way in and out of the city.

The puppies are itching for a walk and I better get it done before the rain starts again. Ciao!


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