Wednesday, October 27

Too much to do

So I just finished bathing two pretty black doggies and they are drying off in their kennels, resting comfortably. I really need to take them to get their nails cut (the metrosexuals that they are.) After that I sat down to check e-mail and now sit here blogging when I have a million other things to do. I have to be at the pup at 7 for the "Pumpkin-Carving, God can't you people do anything right" pre-holiday meeting. I really don't want to go even though pumpkin carving is my all time favorite holiday thing. I haven't planned anything and should be in the car right now going to michaels hobby's to get things to make it more festive BUT more than that I need to be cleaning my house. Saturday at noon my friends (and former roomates) from Indy are arriving for the holiday. I am so excited for them to be here again and for me to finally return the favor of hosting them instead of them always hosting me when I am in Indy.

I better get busy.


At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Pings really put the dog on this year for Halloween with the decorations that adorn the crypt of their two little angels..... It's nice to see that Mrs. Ping is keeping Hobby Lobby in business.... Of course, one does need a hobby after one has lost not one but two precious children to spinal menangitis.....

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