Tuesday, February 26


So in ten minutes (okay probably less by the time I finish typing this) the democratic debate will be starting. The news channels have been billing it all day as "the last democratic debate" as it's predicted now that Hillary will lose Texas and Ohio and thus her chance at becoming the democratic nominee.

I'm worried.

See the things is, I Love Hillary. Unabashedly I Love Hillary and I don't know if I can take it if she loses. Why is everyone going crazy over Barrack? He's an untried, no international knowledge or clout three year senator.

But this isn't why I'm worried.

Hillary has been ripped to shreds by the republican machine for the last 16 years. No stone has gone unturned, no tax return unexamined, no business deal unscrutinized. Travelgate, Vince Foster, her husbands affairs, her association with Wal-Mart, everything has been turned upside down and shaken until the tiniest detail spilled out and thus far they have been able to make NOTHING stick.

This hasn't happened to Barrack. I think if he wins the election it's going to take about 10 seconds for the current Karl Rove thinkers in the GOP to destroy him.

Barrack Husane Obama. Drug taker. See it took me less than 10 seconds.

Please dear god let the people of Texas and Ohio come to their senses (and believe me, having been to Texas I'm not holding out much hope) and not vote for Barrack. A vote for Barrack means a vote for John McCain who will keep us in Reagan politics for the next four to eight years (if he lives that long and then god helps who he might pick INCLUDING Haley Barbour).

Please, if you know people in these states, explain these simple truths to them.

Thank you,

Red State Citizen

Monday, February 18

I Couldn't Pass This Up...

During Mardi Gras my friend Ron hooked up with a fetus. I don't mean he discretely met and took home a young guy, I mean he had this fetus in sneakers pinned to the wall making out with him while the rest of us snapped pictures and flashed them with flashlights. At one point I think all the lights made Diana's last trip down the tunnel look like a cake walk. Anyway he eventually took his little charge home. As I do when I'm bored I was perusing Craigslist for funny entries. If only there were an instant replay available to have captured my face when I came across this one:

the doc ,,from pub to the W - m4m - 19

you took me from the pub to your room at the W, you are a doctor, your name starts with "R", if you get this please respond i was with the big girl, she left the room so we could play, tell me my name so i know its you and not some jerk on here

I immediately sent this to Ron's roommate and admittedly a few other people. Friday night imagine my surprise when the fetus re-appeared and was followed shortly by the appearance of Ron. I had to charge my phone before the night was over because I kept pulling up the site to show people (and point!)

The official story is that someone ratted this kid out for hooking up with Ron and the the person who actually posted this was his boyfriend trying to catch the kid in a lie or something...whatever...it was still pretty fabulous to find that little gem hidden on Craigslist.

In other news, Mattie P. is coming to New Orleans this Thursday for a non-holiday visit! Hooray, I'll actually get to spend time with him. Congratulations are also in order for Mattie who was recently promoted to being the Graphics Editor of the newspaper for which he works; Congratulations Mattie!

Thursday, February 14

Sigh...so much to say and so little time...

Dear Gentle Readers,

Though I have not taken the time to post since late November and most of you have given me up for dead, FEAR NOT!

Several weeks ago my computer went down and I have been unable to access the internet for the several hours a day I normally peruse sites and look up useless information. Being without this ability (other than my phone, which if you've ever had to rely on a phone for an internet connection you know how much it sucks) has led me to a desire to re-connect to my blog.

Today is also an anniversary for me, two years ago today I had a heart attack. In fact it was almost this exact time when I made the decision to go to the hospital. My health is good, my heart is healthy and I have no real fear of a recurrence.

Today is also Valentines Day so I want to wish a Happy Valentines Day to everyone out there but especially to Ian, my most favorite Valentine.

There are tons of things to talk about but they will have to wait until I have more time and am not paying for computer usage (I am currently sitting in the lesbian box office on Bourbon Street).

Expect updates soon on Mardi Gras, the election (GO HILLARY!) and the general comings and goings of my little band of friends and relatives.

Cheers to you all...
