Tuesday, February 26


So in ten minutes (okay probably less by the time I finish typing this) the democratic debate will be starting. The news channels have been billing it all day as "the last democratic debate" as it's predicted now that Hillary will lose Texas and Ohio and thus her chance at becoming the democratic nominee.

I'm worried.

See the things is, I Love Hillary. Unabashedly I Love Hillary and I don't know if I can take it if she loses. Why is everyone going crazy over Barrack? He's an untried, no international knowledge or clout three year senator.

But this isn't why I'm worried.

Hillary has been ripped to shreds by the republican machine for the last 16 years. No stone has gone unturned, no tax return unexamined, no business deal unscrutinized. Travelgate, Vince Foster, her husbands affairs, her association with Wal-Mart, everything has been turned upside down and shaken until the tiniest detail spilled out and thus far they have been able to make NOTHING stick.

This hasn't happened to Barrack. I think if he wins the election it's going to take about 10 seconds for the current Karl Rove thinkers in the GOP to destroy him.

Barrack Husane Obama. Drug taker. See it took me less than 10 seconds.

Please dear god let the people of Texas and Ohio come to their senses (and believe me, having been to Texas I'm not holding out much hope) and not vote for Barrack. A vote for Barrack means a vote for John McCain who will keep us in Reagan politics for the next four to eight years (if he lives that long and then god helps who he might pick INCLUDING Haley Barbour).

Please, if you know people in these states, explain these simple truths to them.

Thank you,

Red State Citizen


At 2:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY HEY HEY! You are NOT a Red State Citizen! I will have you know the great state of Louisiana went to Bill Clinton! Louisiana is a PURPLE state! Don't you dare lump our state in with our thick neighbors on all sides! We still have a streak of French politics left in us which doesn't make us a strictly party voting state.

At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sigh. my stomach has been upset for days. i'm so worried for tuesday. and you better believe my queer ass will be at the caucus the minute the polls close.

obama has ads on every time a show goes to break and even chron.com has big ol' obama ads. facebook has obama ads all over it. she's been completely outspent on advertising. and i worry that people just don't even research what is really happening here and it's got me more worked up than joseph smith at a junior miss pageant.

At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's killing me, but I think I actually agree with Lawrence on a political issue. However, it will not be the Republicans who will rip into Obama, it will be the press. Build up, then bring down. Everytime, regardless of party.
One correction, you said "no tax return unexamined". Hill has never released her tax returns. Ever. It was an issue in New York.
John F in Indy.


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