Thursday, September 20

Minor Milestone

Those of you who regularly read my blog are probably aware that I had a minor heart attack in 2006. Before that I had smoked very regularly for a number of years but the heart incident made me stop. For a while I stopped. It was just a few months later when I found myself having the occasional cigarette. Occasional lead to multiple to many and to being a full time smoker again. In March of this year I decided that I had to stop, prompted by a couple of things. A, my health, quite simple. B, I had concluded that I was not capable of being a casual smoker. I know people who can smoke only when they go out or once a month or whatever; I am not that person. I can't smoke casually. C, though by mutual agreement with my roommate I didn't smoke in the house, my boyfriend was going to move in with us for the summer. He's very anti-smoking so it was a good reason timing wise to quit. I had been slowing myself down in preparation to quit on my planned date. That day was six months ago today. It's been difficult at times and I know by no means do I have my addiction beaten. I've put on 10 pounds which is enough by itself to make me smoke again. I still get cravings at times, especially if I have been out having drinks. Those moments are short lived and usually overcome by taking a deep breath and reminding myself that I am not a smoker and cannot be a casual smoker. So anyway, that's all, just blowing my own horn, hooray for me.


At 1:08 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I like to think I do my part whenever I come to visit by making sure there's always a piece of gum handy in the ashtray on your bar, just in case you get a craving...

Seriously though, congrats!

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

hopefully my visit won't inspire you start again... i'm a bad influence like that.

At 7:44 PM, Blogger The Soviet said...

yay, motherbird! that's very good. i'm sending you an internet gold star. congrats!


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