Wednesday, November 28

All I want for Christmas and Hanukkah and Kwanza and my Birthday...

All I want for Christmas and Hanukkah and Kwanza and my Birthday is for it to be true that Larry Flynt really does have information indicting Senator Trent Lott in a gay sex scandal. Please please please please please please let it be true. It is enough that Lott is resigning but to go out in the wake of a gay sex scandal would make me happier than winning the lottery.

Not since the death of Cardinal O'Connor from anal cancer (Okay so he died of a brain tumor but since his head was permanently stuck up his ass I consider it anal cancer) have I been so happy about the demise of a political figure. The loss of Rick Santorum was close. His daughters tears on national television were nearly enough to cause wet dreams.


At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honey, this would be a gift fit only for Hannukah. It gives for eight nights and not just one! Kwanzaa is a made up holiday that stole our menorah and threw some sort of ethnic African candles on it to suit their own needs. They need to stop sucking up our wake and make up an original holiday of their own. The whole topic causes me agmes-nefesh 'grief and aggravation.' Happy Holidays!


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