Tuesday, July 26

damn damn damn

Okay so I was wrapping up a very very detailed post when my fucking computer froze up whilst I was also attempting to look at a xanga site a friend sent me to see if I knew the person (Thanks Sheldon!). I hate xanga and now I hate the boy whose site froze my computer. I plan to beat the living shit out of him when I see him next. I only know his face and he doesn't know me at all so it should be easy to surprise him as I pounce on him and begin screeching "fucking stupid madonna song you had to have on your fucking site you stupid little faggot"

Okay, I think I am better now.....

Instead of repeating the entire thing I am going to give you cliff notes. If they don't make sense, e-mail me and I will give you the web site that shut me down and you can either have your own PC go on lockdown like Betty Broderick on the Anniversary of Dan's death or you can write to the little queen who caused MY fury.

New York, Part Two

Sunday. Took wrong subway to David's house. Ended up in Harlam. Got settled in at David's house. Went to Central Park. Puerto Rican Day. Thousands of PR's. This is not West Side Story and I am not Maria. I feel very white. Can't get to Balto statue; police have everything blocked off. I remember 2000 PR day when scores of women were assaulted. End up on Central Park South, walk back to West 96th street. See protest at building by animal rights protesters. Man who lives in building owns lab they are protesting. Watch "Latter days" with George, David's friend. Go out to dinner with Carter who cut business trip to Berlin short to see me while I was in town. Drank wine at his house, had dinner. Haven't seen him in sooo long it was great to see him again. I was nervous, we have a crush on each other. Things go well. We finish the bottle of wine, kiss some and then I leave. Go to Cabana bar at the Maritime hotel, have drinks with George and Chris (another friend from NO who is visiting David). Cab home. Sleep soundly.

Monday. David gets us tickets to MOMA. Chris doesn't like art. We start at 6th floor and see amazing art. I am annoyed by woman who keeps getting in my way. More amazing art. Cezanne, Monet, Picasso, Chagall, Kandinsky....amazing. Go to Gay and Lesbian Center in the village. Meet up with Stephen (Old friend I haven't seen in years) at Shag. Went to Duplex, drank, smoked, cruised. Stephen left, David and Chris and I went to Pink Teacup to eat. Went back to Barracuda where we unfortunately saw Spike the dancer. I flirted with friend of Davids, went to sit with him while he ate. Cabbed home.

Tuesday. Went to Central Park, found Balto, took pictures. Went to South American restaurant with David to grab late lunch, went to Laguardia and flew home.

The end of NY. Sorry I wasn't able to put up details. View some pictures of my trip.


At 8:33 AM, Blogger P@rick said...

WTF Kind of name is Xanga anyway?

Death to Xanga...

Hell for that matter ...
WTF kind of name is Sheldon!

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"hiding under a bridge like a troll". How is that different than hiding behind the bar/on a barstool like a troll, you usual MO??

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

What is "xanga"?


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