Tuesday, July 12

As Promised...

Hurricane Dennis was supposed to be a huge storm that took a chunk out of the southeastern United States, and damage was done, but it was nothing like what we thought. Hurricane Oprah did take a chunk out of something though. If you haven't heard yet, Oprah has recently been dissed(!) majorly by high end retailer Hermes at a Parisian store. Stopping to shop with her best girlfriend Gayle (and without Stedman.) Oprah was turned away from the store when she attempted to shop there after it had closed. Poor France, they lose the Olympics and insult Oprah all in one week. Political Correctness demanded that Oprah be vindicated, Indian runners were sent out to find other black stars who were turned away from retailers simply because they were black. Hermes issued a statement saying they didn't turn Oprah away for any reason other than they were planning a public relations event and didn't have the ability to let her shop and continue their other happenings. P. Diddy (who?) issued a statement saying that whenever he shops he send his "people" ahead to make sure the store is closed so he can shop in peace without being followed by store detectives. I read all this online and all I could think was "Who the fuck do these idiots think they are?" We are totally forgetting the most important thing here.....THE STORE WAS CLOSED. End of story. I don't care who you are or what kind of dream you have but usually when retail stores close it's because they are done selling things for the day and you'll have to come back tomorrow. Now I understand, she's super rich, a big celebrity, blah blah blah....And I suppose I could make the joke that since Oprah felt she was being badly treated because she was black she could simply have done a smash and grab job and lived up to what she perceived they thought of her....But seriously...THIS is an international event? Oprahs girlfriend said that it was the "most humiliating moment" of Oprah's life. Though I dislike Rosie O'Donnell I think she said it best on her blog site...
Oprah was turned away at hermes in Paris
gayle said it was really really bad. She used really twice, she saw it - she was there.
"Oprah describes it as one of the most humiliating moments of her life
and who would know better than Gayle.
I cannot wait to hear all the details - one of the most humiliating moments of her life. Oprah, a poor overweight, sexually abused, troubled black female child from a broken home - that Oprah suffereded ONE of the most HUMILIATING moments of HER life at Hermes Paris..
The corrections, for those familiar with Rosies blog, are mine.
So I totally agree with Rosie (god that leaves a bad taste in my mouth) but I couldn't help but add a David Sedaris line in there too...."Smelling a mile off like her uncles dick, she said he forced her but you can't force a whore and that's what she is, a whore!"
On to other topics.....I was happy recently to meet a very nice young man named Kevin from Connecticut. He was visiting New Orleans for a conference and I met him at the pub one night while working. We hung out, though the first two nights he had to leave early because he was, um, a little intoxicated.Why oh why do tourists try to drink with locals....I digress. Kevin's friend came in to spend a few days with him and the three of us ran around for a couple days. I took them to Angeli to eat, walked the moonwalk, saw the holocaust memorial on the river and even went to Ryan's Irish pub. We were there when the NBA finals came on and I made Kristina (the friend) stand up for the National Anthem. Kevin was allowed to sit since he is an Irish Emigrant. Post Jake he was the first person, okay the only person that I have hooked up with. We had a great time together and have talked on the phone and e-mail several times since he left. He has mentioned coming back to NO for a visit sometime soon, hopefully we will see each other again sometime in the next few months.
I am off to work. Will write more soon....MWAH!


At 8:39 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

It sure would be nice if ya posted pics on here, Ms. Motherbird...

(Although with a name like "Kevin," he's gotta be hotz.)

At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Rosie was going to use "really" twice, she could at least have properly punctuated it. Lesbians.


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