Saturday, June 4


A few days ago I heard a radio ad announcing that the television program "Wheel of Fortune" is coming to New Orleans. That's right, they are coming in August to film a week of shows right in our own convention center. When people come to visit our city they undoubtedly rank the convention center right up there with bourbon street as the thing to see. I suppose it's the only place big enough, outside of the superdome, to host the throngs of people who flock to see VannaWhite turn those letters. She doesn't even turn them anymore, she just points to them. The Carol Merrill of the ages. I think they should put the wheel right there on Bourbon Street with the drunks throwing up on Pat Sajak's suit and Vanna sweating her (?) tits off in the heat.

All of this aside, I started to think, "They are going to use contestants from the New Orleans area? Surely not, they'll fly in actors from LA or something, they surely don't think they're going to get anyone from this city smart enough to know the answers and be willing to go on their show." Think of it, Pat's up there with Bouderaux, Thibideaux and Washington, none of them with enough sense to come up with anything more complicated than "crawfish boil." I know I shouldn't pick on New Orleans people as I did choose to live here, but these truly are not the brightest people on the face of the earth. I haven't seen the show in a long time but I'll have to watch just to get a good laugh at my own cities expense.


At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate that Vanna doesn't turn the letters anymore. It might as well be like Family Feud and they can ... wait, they got rid of the cool "bell, flippy answer thing" too. Now it's all digital.

Damn technology! Damn you, Vanna White!

Remember when she used to do those commercials where she'd pop out of a suitcase? Yeah, that was hot.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give Vanna a break. She was 100 when i was a kid (shut it, Lawrence). I think it's amazing she can stand there for the entire show without needing to lean on her walker for support.

Actually, last time I caught a glimpse of the show, it didn't seem either of them were moving a whole lot. If they can make Donkey talk in Shrek, they can keep this show running forever.

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wheel of Fortune became a piece of shit as soon as the contestents were no longer allowed to shop for their own prizes.


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