Tuesday, May 24

Still Crazy After All These Years.

Okay so the title doesn't really mean anything, it was just running through my head today. I do have a birthday coming up in a few months (34, gasp!) but no reason to panic yet. There is plenty of time to buy my gift yet.

News...Let's see. Well I don't have much to report. The pub lost a few employees for whatever reason so I guess we are hiring again. I have been pretty worn out, the stress level has been high lately, a lot of pressure from many camps on how to accomplish the success of the business both financially and our customers satisfaction. Enough about that, I don't even want to think about the pub until I have to go back to work this Thursday...

Sunday night I went to Napoleon's Itch, a non-smoking gay bar. It was actually nice to not have to hack my way through a fog cloud to get to the bathroom. I was there for a cabaret show that Matt Ragas hosts. Jeff, my roommate, plays the piano for the show which is really more the reason that I went. There were several "guest" spots, Jessica Marasco for one, whose singing I enjoy, an extremely talented young, young girl from the River Parish area...Her name escapes me but she had a terrific voice. Karen Hebert (sp?) did a few numbers, one from Cabaret and one from Chicago. I had never heard her sing before, all the times I had been around her was in her role of choreographer. Jeff has worked with her on a few shows since I have known him. She came complete in costume, a Sally Bowles wig and all...There were a couple other singers too, the names of whom I can't quite recollect now...all in all it was a good show, lots of talented singers and songs I really liked. One surprise was seeing young Wyatt cocktail waiting there. I met Wyatt as the boyfriend of a former bartender at the pub and he is about the cutest boy you'll ever see...Bright eyed and oh so pretty. Imagine my horror when I got a profile shot of him and noticed his damned DORSAL FIN. I am serious, this has to stop. If you have friends who sport this hair-don't, get together and have an intervention. Show them pictures of dolphins side by side with pictures of people and urge them not to jump species quite so quickly. Matthew, the host, is going to be in the Le Petit Theatre production of "Pageant" next month. It's a how about, fittingly, a beauty pageant and all the parts are being played by dolled up young men. Fellow blogger Patrick is also in the show along with a few other folks I know, so if you want to go see a cute show, go see this.

I was online yesterday trying to decide where to rent a hotel in Little Rock. I have to go there for a family wedding in late June and since it's at 1 in the afternoon I really need to drive in the day before. I think I will probably stay Saturday night as well, what with the reception and getting to visit with my family and all. Since I probably won't be in LR many times I am going to try to hit the Clinton Library as well on Sunday before driving back to N'awlins.

Lists...Let's make a few lists here, lists are always fun...

Some of my least favorite things

  • Wet Socks
  • People who can't hold their liquor
  • Rap Music
  • When People Say "The Oz" instead of just "Oz"
  • People Who Pass You on the Street and Say "Got That Coke"

I mean, really, does that ever work, does anyone ever buy drugs from people in this manner?

CD in my computer right now - David Sedaris Live at Carnegie Hall. Fabulous.

That's it for now, but stay tuned...


At 5:06 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

But seriously, dorsal-fin or not, Wyatt's hot...

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really think you should start including pictures in the blog. You mention all these hot boys knowing Alzheimer's is a cruel mistress.

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lawrence, dearie, I'm surprised M@ is so upset about the "shitty" movies. I mean, let's be real about this. He thought the "butterfly effect" was good. ;) love ya, m@.

and while we all know how much i love rap music, i must say i think i'm getting past that. *new* rap music these days sucks. totally sucks.

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your wish list is fabulous. I would post mine for you but I can never get it to link. You can search for it however under sevensuumerz@aol.com.

On a side note, I had noticed a couple of people that are no longer at the pub. The guy that usually works the "graveyard" shift there.

At 10:48 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

Ashton kutcher = good.

that's all i'm saying, jackie.

hell, we could have put it on "mute" and it would still be good....



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