Thursday, May 5

Less than 5 hours remaining

Until Mattie arrives in New Orleans. Yes, Matties first trip home is upon us. I will head for Louis Armstrong International in just a few hours to pick up the prodigal son.

I'm sure that all 2 or 3 of my dedicated readers have been wondering what has become of my blog, I haven't ranted or raved for at least two weeks. I've meant to do so, but every time I sit down at the computer my head suddenly empties of anything to write about.

I will try to run down some highlights:

-My home state of Indiana has finally decided to join the rest of the country in participating in Daylight Savings Time. You know, that stupid thing where you spring forward and fall back your clock. I did not grow up doing this and still really don't get why Indiana had to fall in line and the rest of the country didn't just stop switching an hour each way every year. In the tradition of "falling back," Indiana has also adopted new standards on school prayer and the pledge of allegiance. I could really go off on a rant here, but I have a solution rather than just a gripe. Let's take the words "under god" out of the pledge. They weren't original to the song, so let's just remove them. I think this will make everyone happy, as long as you are into forced patriotism, but who isn't? I don't have a problem with a moment of silence for prayer either, as long as there isn't any prayer from any religion being led and the children are instructed that this is simply a moment of silence...if they choose to pray with it, then they may, or they may sit quietly, put their head down, have a moment of introspection....what about muslim children, are they now going to be allowed to put down a prayer rug and point it East at the proper times?

- I mentioned during my FQF posts that I had met a young man named Jake and I should write about him now. We have been seeing quite a bit of each other and am happy to report that it has gone mostly well. We had a very rough patch this week but for the moment at least it's been talked through and life will go on as before. Anyway, the Jakester (my name for him) is a very attractive sicilian boy who is about to turn 23 next week. He is also a twin, he has a twin brother named Josh who is straight. I will write more about Jake as time goes by...and even more if by chance Jake goes bye or bi.

-honestly I am brain dead, my brain isn't working today so I am going to close until I can remember all the rest of the thing I should be writing about.



At 4:00 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

You say "jakester," although the letter magnets on your fridge say "Jakesta." Which one is it? I'm not obsessed with letters or words or anything after this weekend....


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