Saturday, November 26

A correction, of perhaps just a lucky chance..

Wednesday night I went out on the town with my friend Jason. We started at Metro but didn't stay long. We were forced to go upstairs after I ran into an old co-worker of mine. He's fine but his boyfriend is a total ass and I cannot stand him. He's an attorney of some kind. If he were a personal injury attorney I would like to suggest he sue himself; being near him causes the other person to experience severe emotional distress. It's definitely an arm chewing situation. As soon as I saw the guy he started in right away on how New Orleans is totally unlivable and it's sinking and blah blah blah...Armchair quarterbacking and speculation after speculation on a topic he clearly knows nothing about.

The next stop was English Ivy's where we ran into John F, a friend and often commenter to this blog. We tried our best to get him to venture with us to, you guessed it, the Unicorn club. Even after a shot of Jager John was able to resist our plans to corrupt him.

Now for those who read my recent post about the Unicorn it is that post that I must re-vamp.

There weren't many people in the place so we took our drinks and headed to the back 40, our usual spot. We had seen a couple of boys, one of two of whom were actually attractive and seemingly not looking on the floor in case another dancer's crystal had slipped from their sock. There was a man seated a little ways ahead of us and eventually I got a good look at the dancer who was "working" him. He was very hot...And eventually came over to us and talked. It turns out his name is Sebastian (which I'm sure is his real name) and he's new to dancing there. After I saw him dance I realized that new was only half the problem, that rhythm and grace had obviously skipped him. He was, however, adorable. Skinny, smooth and I was shocked when he said he was 26. There has only ever been one Sebastian at the Unicorn, the one we affectionately dubbed "dogfaced monkey boy." He had an unfortunate face (My friend Tim described this look perfectly - "If I had a face like that I'd shave my ass and walk backwards) but a beautiful compact body and would delight us with his one handed vertical pushups. That's right, he would flip himself up like a handstand with his legs against the pole and then go into one handed pushup's. We asked this new Sebastian if he could do that; alas he didn't even want to attempt it but he did get down and do some regular push up's for us so we were mostly sated. Tempting as it might have been to stay there for another round we headed off to OP's for pool and the eventual blackout...

I stand by my earlier thought that the Unicorn has seen better days (and yes, sadly, there actually were better days there) but the old girl isn't completely washed up so I will retract my verdict of DOA that I issued to the Unicorn and reserve a grade until I have made another inspection...


At 1:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love unicorns. I have my own private unicorn... a magical ass unicorn! Every so often he leaps out of my ass and if you stroke his horn hard enough he spews magical wish cream all over you. I love my magical ass unicorn!

~Jeff... and yes, I am a little drunk.

At 4:34 PM, Blogger P@rick said...



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