Thursday, August 24


I am still on vacation, currently in L.A. visiting my sister. Mattie has come up from San Diego and we are going to go out to the bars soon. Before I did anything else I had to sit down for a moment and tell my faithful readers about my day. For years now I have known about a very special tour of L.A. called the Dearly Departed Tour. It used to be called the Graveline tour but ownership changes and the what not have turned it into this tour. I have dreamed of going on this tour and today I finally got to experience it for myself. We saw a lot of different sites, homes of movie stars living and dead, quirky little places (Like the first place Marilyn Monroe ever had her hair dyed blonde)and my reason for going in the first place, crime scenes. We got to see the LaBianca's home (slaughtered by the Manson Family) and the home where Lyle and Eric Menendez shotgunned their parents. We heard actual recordings from Charlie Manson, the desperate 911 call from Eric Menendez saying someone had murdered his parents. Oh, we also got to hear the 911 call from Joaquin Phoenix after his brother River overdosed in front of the Viper Room. It was such a wonderful time, I really enjoyed it and took a lot of pictures. When we got back the man who runs the tour (Scott) was kind enough to give us directions on how to get to the site of the Tate residence up high in Benedict Canyon. The home itself was torn down by the current owner and a new home is being constructed there. We managed to finally find Cielo drive and made our way up to the very top. I managed to get a picture through the gates of the place where the home had stood. Then we drove over to just the other side of the canyon and got some more pics. The telephone pole that Tex Watkins climbed to cut the phone lines to the Tate residence still stands, hopefully it will come out in the photos. It was a great time, macabre, yes but still very cool.

Okay, I will write the whole story later, I just wanted to get a little bit of that one out. I'll be home soon...

Friday, August 18

I'm hurt...

I can't believe that some of my readers would really assume that I would skip over these last two exciting days in the Jon Benet Ramsey case. I was simply waiting until I had time to devote to my entire rant on the issue. When I first heard the news that an arrest had been made, I was as excited as a pedophile at an Amber alert. I had visions of Pattsy Ramsey's corpse being dug up and handcuffed. I'm really not sure that this guy Karr is the killer, I'm not convinced yet. Just this once I'm going to side with John Ramsey, and cautiously wait.

It really is exciting...

Thursday, August 17

Does anyone have a carrot?

So my vision in my left eye has worsened. I have to go back in a month to have a baseline test for glaucoma for gods sake. I am getting way too old.

Well did you evuh?

Well did you evuh think I was coming back? I promised I would. Now, now, don't be like that, you are acting like my puppies when I come in from taking out garbage, I've only been gone a split second and here you are slobbering. Okay, so you're not slobbering. Okay, so I've been gone a month and a half. Fine. I'm sorry.

This will not be a catching up post, merely a note to let you know I am still alive and that I will still write in my blog.

In just a few days I am going on vacation, where I doubt I will have time to write. Saturday I fly off to Las Vegas to meet Jason from Indy and we'll spend a few days relaxing by the pool at the Wynn hotel and going to see the Barry Manilow concert. Next Tuesday I fly off to L.A. to see my sister who has recently re-located there. I haven't been to L.A. in years so we'll see what I think of the place. I'm only going to see her and of course Mattie, who will be driving up from San Diego to spend a couple days with me.

There has been a lot of things that have happened over the last month and a half, a lot of birthdays, a few funerals, an excrutiating minimum of sex, a stalker, visits from out of towners and new electronics to learn how to use. Hopefully I will get to all of them before my brain saps the memory.

The last hour of my life has been spent searching for a broken pair of sunglasses. Why search for a broken pair of sunglasses, well I'll tell you. I bought these polarized glasses at the optometrists office and they were very expensive. I had them for about a year and one of the lenses popped out. I put them aside swearing I would run down to the vision center and have them fixed. This was probably about a year and a half ago. Today I am going for an eye exam and thought "I should take those glasses to be repaired!" Now I can't find them. I could blame the hurricane for my procrastination but I just put things away to "deal with them later" and occasionally lose them. These glasses may have gone by the wayside, as I can't figure out anyplace they would be unless I took them to my storage unit uptown. I'm not going up there today to search for them, although, it is on my way to the eye doctor. Hmmm...gotta run!

Stay Tuned, I will return!