Saturday, November 4


When I was a senior in high school (yes, in the 80's children) my sister lived in an apartment on the far northside of Indianapolis. One night during a party at their house they decided to create a "slam book" on their living room wall. If you don't remember slam books, let me explain. This was a notebook that was full of silly questions. The book would be passed around during class recess or lunch periods. There would be questions like "If you could kiss any one boy, who would it be," and things of that nature. The first page of the book would be numbered and you wrote your name next to the number of your choice. This way when you answered the questions in the book you were "anonymously" using only a number. People looking through the book would have to flip around to see who answered what question which way based on their assigned number. It was really stupid but it was something that kids did to pass the time. Everybody has the general idea now, right. Okay, so my sister and her roommate made a slam wall, same concept, you put your name next to a number and then went along the wall with marker and answered the questions. One of the questions was about what tv star you most wanted to kiss and my answer was "Doogie Howser." I was just in the early stages of my gay adventures and my sister and her friends found this very funny. I loved that show and thought he was so cute. Since then I've seen him in a few movies here and there and was thrilled to find him again in the CBS show "How I met your mother".

Today I am vindicated for my lifelong adoration of Neil Patrick Harris.

I am so happy that this day has finally come and extend to Mr. Harris all my best wishes to him and his career. If you happen to read this Mr. Harris and you're looking for a 30 something boyfriend, you can drop me a line anytime.


At 6:06 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

Ryan and Reese, Doogie... when will the madness end?

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought he was a cutie too, though it was pretty common knowledge that he is a homo.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger P@rick said...

Do-Gay Homo


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