Friday, September 15

Random Notes

I am a pack rat. I rarely throw anything away. Occasionally I will find a note that I have written to myself, usually in referene to something I mean to blog about. Since my blogging has been sporadic at best these notes have sort of piled up. I threw several of them away, forgetting their meaning, but have a few to share. Now, not all of these were blog references, some were notes I wrote to someone else and ended up keeping. One night I was talking to a friend about someone he thought was hot. I ended up going into the bathroom while the guy was doing his business and I wrote this to a friend:

The way he flexed his calves as he was putting it away tells me he was lifting something heavy. Oh, and he's wearing flip flops.

Nice huh?

A blog note I found reads:
Ab muscle ridges like mashed potato and gravy tunnels.

I remember writing this about a guy who was at my bar. He didn't just have a six pack or an eight pack, he had a beautifully sculpted stomach. There were so many ridges and lines in his stomach it reminded me of making tunnels in mashed potatoes so the gravy would have someplace to run...

Another note to myself:

I wish the DJ would play three songs in a row without emptying the Iberville Projects.

A note about a customer:

Spitting Bear Doing Cher

There were a group of bear type guys at my bar. The Cher song "Bang Bang" was on and one guy went from bear to drag in .5 seconds. He was swiveling his hips, snapping his fingers, in general he was getting down. Then he turned his head and spat a huge lug of tobacco on the floor. A spitting bear doing Cher.

Just a few notes to pass the time.


At 4:33 AM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

"A spitting bear doing Cher."

That's an awful, awful visual. I'm so sad I checked this right before bed, as it will no doubt haunt me for hours.


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