Tuesday, July 4

Brief Scare...

Sunday afternoon I wasn't really feeling all that great. I had been off the night before and had gone out, consumed a few drinks so it wasn't that odd that I would feel bad the next morning. My friend Justin texted and we agreed to go grab some food at Louisiana Pizza Kitchen. I only ate about half of my personal pizza and had to get to work. By the time I got there I felt like crap and actually threw up. My bosses offered to let me go home and so I did, thankfully. I went to bed to try to sleep but wasn't able. The longer I laid there the worse I felt and then my chest began to hurt, badly. I have lived in a state of distrust since I had the heart attack in February and so I was really worried about this pain. Just for measure I took four baby aspirin. The pain did get really bad and I considered going to the emergency room several times but the pain would subside a bit. I was scared to go to sleep but eventually got a few hours. The next morning I called my doctors office early and told him what had happened. He sent me in for blood tests to check my cardiac enzymes. Those tests came back today normal so I didn't have another heart attack and thankfully don't have to have another angiogram. What happened is kind of a mystery and I will probably undergo some more tests this week, probably an ultrasound on my gall bladder. I feel fine now but for safeties sake they are keeping me home from work at least until tomorrow.

Not to worry gentle readers, I'll be here to spin my tales for a long time...


At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, save that story for Mom until AFTER I tell her I'm moving out of the state.... Thanks.

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

get your rest, pumpkin!

At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

am I going to have to move you to north louisiana so i can take care of you? i always knew i'd have to look after you the way any southerner would take care of his much older spinster sister . . .

At 10:17 AM, Blogger P@rick said...

cardiac enzymes

That's hot

Will you have to wear sandals now?

At 2:20 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...


I thought there was a rule that required one of Sharon's kids to be within an hour's drive at any given moment?

Who will help Sharon scootch her barstool in to the table?


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