Friday, June 30

The War Continues...

Vindication is always nice when you feel strongly about something. One of my life's passions is my intense dislike of flip flops. Let me be clear here. I am not against the "shoes" themselves, but of the inappropriate places that people wear them. I have no problem with flip flops at the beach, or in public showers such as gyms or even around your own house if you must. Summertime brings out the worst of the flip flop offenders people are finally starting to notice.

Robin Givhan, staff writer for the Washington Post, recently wrote this article which covers not only the issue of wrong-time, wrong place flip wearing, but the general issue of people wearing things that make them a blight on society. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for everyone having self esteem, I just don't think it should be forced on me. If you have no problem being 30 pounds overweight, then I say go for it, but don't wear low riding jeans with your whale tail sticking out over your thong.

I digress.

After reading her article I wrote to Miss Givhan;

Hooray to you for your stance against inappropriate flip-flopping. I work in a bar on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Every night I see hordes of people wearing these disgusting slimy pieces of rubber, their blackened soles being slap-slap-slapped as they walk in the spilled beer and other debris. Once again it seems the world is dividing itself down into two categories; those who know that flip flops are only appropriate in a few places and the rest, dirty footed morons.

Keep up the good fight!

A day or two later I received a nice little note back from my new best friend;

Dear Lawrence,

Thanks for the nice note!


Regular reader John F. from Indianapolis sent me this yahoo news story today. Though I am not a big fan of corporate policies, I wouldn't mind seeing federal law banning flip flops from all inappropriate places.


At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tisk, tisk. Your solution is to have the government futher regualte our lives. Who will make the decision when/where it is inapproporate? GW Bush? Edward Kennedy? Julia Carson, wait, that reminds me, where is my drink....
John F in Indy

At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BRAVO to you! I read this article you mention in the Wshington Post the day it was printed. IMMEDIATELY, I thought of you. We both see eye to eye on this issue 100%. If I see one more cookie cutter queen waltz around in those horrible things on city strets, the el, or in a bar, I am gonna take that flip flop and cram it where the sun don't shine! Ugh. My sister in DC feels the same way as well. There is also an article about this very topic in Details magazine this month. Yet again, I thought of you. My grandfather from Texas told me this once in a grocery store in Houston when he noticed a dirty feet white trash woman in produce...."You see that Matthew...pointing to the offending woman....dirty feet....DIRTY P*SSY." I live by that mantra to this day. Just insert male anatomy please for accuracy. Keep up the good work, handsome!

At 7:20 PM, Blogger YankeeNexile said...

Who will decide? I will. Simple. In fact I already have. Beaches, Pools, Public Showers and your own home. Period.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

although i could give a shit less about flipflops, i know it's very dear to you, motherbird. and i immediately thought of this:

At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say that I get sick of seeing FF as well. However, occasionaly I do where them in places that you have deemed inappropriate. My question is, what if they are leather or dare, I say a "high end" FF? Does this make a difference? Just curious.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger YankeeNexile said...

Amber Louise, I'm not sure there is such a thing as a "high end" flip flop. There are very expensive FF's out there, but when it comes down to it, they are all just FF's.

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blake and I went to the Dallas Museum of Art to see the Tiffany exhibit and what did we see? Flip-flops and cut-offs . . . Blake wears flip-flops (as many under 25 do), but even he knew that you don't wear them to a museum . . . then again, he considered the Tiffany exhibit a personal pilgrimage and wouldn't dare offend the temple with wickedness of any sort


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