Wednesday, June 28

Full Disclosure

The challenge was issued and I accepted. My co-worker J.D. and I were to bowl three games (and one practice game) to a best two out of three.

We headed to Kenner's All Star bowl last night about 10:30 and set upon our task, namely the shredding of J.D.

The practice game went fine, JD was getting his bearings, I was bowling haphazardly, not wearing myself out. I easily won the practice game and the first game, though both were bowled far below my average game. Then we were bombarded by the wait staff of Corky's Pig Pit BBQ. There must have been 12 or 13 or them. They were 18-21 year old kids, so one would expect them to be a bit loud or obnoxious which they were. The problem was that they had not one clue about bowling etiquette. If you are not familiar with the rules of bowling, they are pretty simple. When the person in the next lane is bowling, you wait. When you're done bowling your frame, you stay off the lane. These rules were lost on two of the girls who spent the majority of their bowling time either hurling their bowling balls down the aisle or running around on the bowling deck. It was maddening. The moment I would step up to bowl one of the two girls would grab a ball and streak past me screaming and carrying on like it was the end of the world. I wasn't able to concentrate in any way and I bowled like crap. J.D. said that he was enduring the same thing but I pointed out that he was much more used to this kind of behavior. Long story short (I know, too late) I lost the last two games.

I admit my loss in the same vein that Al Gore admitted defeat. A re-challenge has been issued by me to bowl somewhere without the massive distractions and possibly on a night when I haven't bowled three games the night before. At first I thought I was just being a sore loser but then there was a moment of vindication. The more obnoxious of the two girls hurled her ball down her lane and it bounced all the way into the next lane. Moments later the same girl bowled when the gate was down, a very big no-no.

So there you have it, full disclosure...


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