Sunday, June 25

Miss West Virginia R.I.P

Karmic justice is a slow business these days. Yesterday it was announced that Patsy Ramsey, mother of slain beauty queen Jon-Benet Ramsey, had succumbed to ovarian cancer. All joking aside, a battle with ovarian cancer is a very painful end and she had been dealing with this since 1993, she had a very tough battle. After her initial diagnosis she underwent a treatment program that was experimental and she is the longest survivor of that treatment.

True to her long time claim of innocence in her daughters death, Patsy took with her to the grave any new evidence that might have cleared or indicted her family. Between the bungled job done by the Colorado P.D. and the Ramseys own oft confusing and bewildering behavior the case has never been solved. There was a recent claim that DNA found on Jon-Benets body didn't match anyone in the household but it never went any further. The Ramseys wrote a book entitled "The death of innocence" about their experience and the accusations that had been made against both parents.

Although a federal judge ruled that the Ramseys were not responsible for their daughters death, and that an intruder was, many people continue to assume that the parents were somehow involved in the girls murder.

People like me.

I don't care what the Ramseys have said, an intrudor did not break into the house in the middle of the night, write a ransom note AT the house demanding 118,000 dollars (the exact amount of Johns bonus)and then take the girl to the basement, strangle and beat her and leave with nothing. As for what really happened, it's anybodies guess. I believe that no matter who killed the girl, mom, dad, little brother, whoever, John and Patsy knew what happened and tried to cover it up. Maybe Burke killed her accidentally, maybe John was beating the girl and she died, maybe Patsy flew into a rage over her daughters success. Maybe Jon-Benet was just an annoying little psycho bitch who was going to tell about daddies kisses and mommy treating her like a dress up whore.

By the way, Patsy was Miss West Virginia in 1977. I hear she's going to be named Miss St. James Cemetery 2006 as well.


At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss West Virginia....Gawd love her. I'm with you. They know/knew SOMETHING. Lets hope she was innocent to the whole thing or she's in hell with gasoline draws on right now!

At 9:18 AM, Blogger P@rick said...

Le Sigh

When you told me about this Sat Night ... I replied " Oh I see a good blog entry coming"

Once again Lawrence... you did not disappoint

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, after all these years, someone will be around to make sure Jon Benet gets her makeup applied correctly.....

At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean I should dress my Jon Benet doll in black? I hope not, I hate moving the washing machine and reaching back there to get her.
John F

At 12:10 PM, Blogger P@rick said...

Ok John F

That is just Wrong with a CAPITOL "R"

Funny but R-O-N-G


At 3:19 AM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

Lawrence's blog readers write better comments than my blog readers.

Or maybe it's the fact that he does in fact HAVE readers... hmmm.

then again, i'm so bad about blogging and law's are actually interesting, so that probably explains most of it.

At 11:44 AM, Blogger P@rick said...

I still read yours M@




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