Thursday, May 4

Pub Stories...

The last two nights at the pub have been odd but with some great moments and stories. Tuesday night I was off but went out to meet a friend for a few drinks. I ended up watching the drag king show upstairs for lesbian night. First of all, it's a very confusing night to me. I'll see a beautiful boy and have to look twice to make sure there are no small bumps on his chest thus revealing his true identity as a boyish lesbian. The show is pretty silly. There were one or two good performers but the majority of them were just lesbians dressed in bulky clothing, doing some kind of a hip-hop song and doing their best gangster moves. It was late and I was still upstairs talking to one of the bartenders. Security was throwing out a little spikey haired lesbian for getting into a fight. She came over to the bar to plead her case with the bartender (which is never a good idea...If security throws you out there is not much of a chance that a bartender will override them) and from out of nowhere comes a boy who was, from what I gather, a friend of the the girl that was hit by the spikey haired girl. Whew. Anyway, he runs up and grabs the girl by the back of the head, jerking her head backwards and nearly pulling her off the stool. Security and other bartenders and I jumped in and got him off her, she was taken downstairs and then him and both were told to leave. (Personal note to Mattie - the boy was Erik with a K, back from the military, very bulked up but he assured me he can still do the splits)

Last night was fun. I worked with Paul which I haven't really done since he came back from Houston. Before work I had dinner at Yo Mamas Grill on St. Peter Street. Their burgers are delicious and if they weren't so messy they would rival Port of Call. My friend Justin, who recently moved back from New York, came to meet me and we had time to chat and have a drink before I had to work. At one point during the night I happened to glance outside to see a small Hispanic man trying to mount a bicycle that was much too big for him. I thought, "I wonder if he's stealing that" as I watched him trying to hurry down the street and jump on top of the bike at the same time. He finally got on the bike but wasn't able to reach the pedals very well nor was he able to operate the bike very well. The bike was wobbling down the street and the real owner of the bike took chase. He knocked the guy off his bike and the two of them started fighting in the middle of the street. The owner of the bike was a black man, about 6'5 (thus the difficulty of the little guy to ride away swiftly)and it sure made the fight look funny. The Hispanic man went down into a crouching tiger, hidden dragon pose and the black man was hitting him with his bag. Eventually someone intervened and the bicycle was recovered. Funny stuff.

The other item of interest...At one point there were four of my friends sitting at the bar side by side. I think I'll leave out names here, but I know each of these boys to be particularly "gifted" below the belt though I have not hooked up with any of them. When I realized they were all sitting together I couldn't help but think "There is nearly 40 inches of cock sitting at my bar right now."


At 11:47 PM, Blogger Scott Nolan said...

I know Erik, with a K, and he's been "back from the military" for a very very very long time.

And, he's a fighter. Try not to get too involved if you can help yourself.

what is this? Middle School? Who fights? Lesbians are so over.

At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you help out a man and let him know when so much cock is around the bar when I am there!

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i obviously chose the wrong weekend to come home.

and lesbians are beyond messy. too much drama, and that whole secretion thing ... yeah. twice as much. no thanks.

At 6:05 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

I'll confirm two of the four.


At 6:07 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

hmm, i thought erik-with-a-k was in jail or something? i've been gone for a while.


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