Thursday, March 9

Let's back up....

Between mine and my fathers health situations, Mardi Gras and my not smoking (which is probaby the real culprit here) I have been a little spacy. I have written about my bitches and complaints but I have something really great to write about now.

The Sunday before the last week of Mardi Gras gets rolling is the best parade of all, Barkus! Every year there is a theme and this years theme, fittingly, was the ultimate in queer natural disaster, The Wizard of Oz. Give it a little twist, make it the Wizard of Paws and you've got yourself a parade. Jeff and I had talked about walking our two boys but there was no way I could walk the whole route so soon after leaving the hospital. I took a chair, found my friends Michael and Dillon and settled in for a great show.

It's really a fantastic parade and because it's so early in the parade schedule the attendees are all locals. It's not limited to dogs though, I saw two miniature horses and a few birds this year. Going along with the theme, a friend of mine saw me and said "shouldn't you be dressed as the tin man..." Get it, without a heart, Ha Ha!

Anyway, it was a great day, there were great costumes but this fellow here is absolutely the cutest cowardly lion ever...

Okay, so here's a couple more special pups and such

And a special horsie!


At 5:13 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

that "horse" is the best costume ever.

At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the little horse is C-U-T-E! it would be fun to put nola (my dog) in barkus but you'd have to pave the parade route with a steady line of coke so she wouldn't just do figure 8s through the masses. (mattie can attest to this)

sigh. i love barkus! it's so much fun!


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