Tuesday, March 7


I am working on two posts, both are in draft form and will likely be published tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!

Oh, but in the meantime, can I just say a couple things. First, I am sick and tired of hearing about the children, natural or otherwise, of celebrities. Even more so, I am seriously sick of hearing women's pregnancies referred to as their "bumps." Who started this? Is this a black eyed peas thing? Am I once again out of the loop of the hip crowd? Since when is a fetus a "bump"? I would imagine that many children were the result of a bump (of powder) or from doing the old bump and grind. Once a woman is pregnant though I think referring to the fetus as a "bump" is just gross.

Second, Brokeback Mountain didn't win the oscar. Get over it. Crash won for a very simple reason, half the actors in Hollywood were in the movie. It's not homophobia (remember Philip Seymour Hoffman winning for portraying a gay character?) It's not a plot by the christian right (remember, Jews run Hollywood.) Brokeback lost, it's over, quit your crying...


At 1:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, I'm indifferent about the Crash vs Brokeback Mountain. I've not seen Crash yet so I can't speak as to the quality of it, but the race issue is still much easier than gay issue for a lot people sad but true.

The only major travesty of the evening is that Dolly lost. I'm not the most objective when it comes to Dolly, but for her to lose to "It's Hard To Be A Pimp" is beyond words for me.

While they were both good, I would have loved to seen Felicity win instead of Reese.


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