Friday, May 5

D-list celebrity sightings in New Orleans

My friend Richard sent me this link to a story about a recent visit that comedian Andy Dick made to New Orleans. Read it here.

In other D-list celebrity sightings, Dan Renzi, who you might remember from the Real World Miami also visited New Orleans. He sent me a note on myspace asking questions about New Orleans for some promotional tour he was doing. I didn't realize he was "that" Dan until much later but we exchanged several notes back and forth and he asked me to arrange a guest bartending spot for him at the bar. I can't just tell him, sure, so I gave him the managers numbers and promised to pre-present the idea and who he was and all that, which I did. Someone else piped up a warning that Dan was "quite a drinker" and that we might want to re-consider. He wrote to me the next day asking if I had talked to my bosses and I assured him that I had and then never heard from him again. A few weeks later (in fact the same weekend as the Andy Dick story) I heard Dan was in town and guest bartending at Oz. He came into the pub and I saw him standing at the bar. I walked over, got as close to him as I could and called his name out. Eventually he reared his booze swollen, bleary eyed head my direction and I said "Hey Dan," and extended a hand to shake his. He gave me a no, no, no finger gesture and then a you-come-closer gesture and turned back to his friends. I said "I'm behind the bar, you can step over here." Begrudgingly, he did and I introduced myself as the Lawrence he had been speaking with. Dan made some comment about "oh yeah, you" but he was so intoxicated it was difficult to make out what he said. Keep in mind that the entire time he spoke to me, which was about 20 seconds, he never made eye contact. He put his limp hand in mine for a sad little handshake, all the while swinging his head side to side looking for anyone else who might recognize him or maybe suck him off in the bathroom. Now I wasn't expecting a hug and a kiss and I do have a history of being overly excitable around minor celebrities but this guy was just an ass. Suffice to say that my encounter with the booze soaked D-list former MTV "star" left much to be desired...

Now to make this all seem more bizarre, the article about Andy Dick appeared on the website Queerty which is edited by none other than, yes you guessed it, Dan Renzi. I guess he would be the one in the know about miniscule celebrities making an ass of themselves in public.


At 9:38 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

i hated dan. RW NOLA danny and RW Chciago Chris, well i adore them.

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, mattie, we agree on boys?!?

jesus must be packing his bags, making his comeback tour tomorrow.

and i hate the gay boy on the current season.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

i used to like RW Chicago Chris the best, but now he reminds of of Blandiego Ben so I'm back to picking Danny as my fave. Cause he's kinda southern and more-than-kinda-gay-sluttiesh


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