Monday, June 26

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Saturday was the two year anniversary of my blog. Although my writing lately has been hit or miss, I do have a lot of back blogs that will eventually be published.

The weekend at the bar was a busy one. Friday night I was off and spent the day being uber-productive. Lately I have been stressed by the lack of storage space in my house. There are only three closets in our entire house and they are all in my bedroom, my very small bedroom. I decided I could free up some space in my bedroom by getting rid of my bookcase. Keep in mind, I am not the handiest person with tools, but I was going to give it a whirl. Most of my family are "handy" type people. Somehow my mother, sister and I missed this gene. My mother and I have a continuous joke, whenever we are trying (and failing) to do anything mechanical we joke that my now deceased grandfather is looming over our shoulders laughing at us. I went to Lowes and bought shelves and brackets and all the screws and even a stud finder (which didn't work that well on walls that contain both sheetrock and plaster.) It took a few hours for me to get everything lined up (with the help of my laser line level.) Things would probably have gone faster had I bothered to check if my cordless drill was completely charged. It wasn't so I was using it while plugged in, not it's most efficient usage. Most of the screws had to be screwed by hand, but at last I finished. It's been two days and they are still standing, we'll see how long my job holds. I'm happy with the results and was able to make my room look a little less cluttered.

Back at the bar...Saturday night was fun, lots of good people. It got a little annoying but mostly fun. A smokin' hot boy that I have known for several years came in and told me he was moving to Houston on Thursday. He had a cute little boy by his side who I tried to get him to have some fun, but he was just sitting there like a bump on a log. When slo-mo was in the bathroom I was talking to my hot friend. He complained that the boy is boring and that he only likes to make out and won't even take his pants off in bed. Having once made out with the hot boy I spoke from experience when I said "Well you're fun to make out with," to which he replied very slyly, "yeah but I'm more fun to fuck." I couldn't have said it better myself.

Sunday night was a nightmare. The first problem was that I had only slept about two hours. I can't sleep lately, I don't know why. By about 4 this morning I turned to my co-worker and said "Can I please go home now?" and he took pity on my drooping lids and let me go. I took a Lunesta and slept six SOLID hours, more continuous sleep without nightmares I have had in some time. The second reason work was so hellish was the unending number of idiots that were in the house. Not to beat a theme to death but I really think those make-a-wish people were pissed at my earlier comments about them and sent in the salvation army rehabiliation center to get me back. I have never seen so many people who were borderline retarded in my life. Coupled with that was the inevitable appearance by my least favorite customer. I have no idea what his name is, I just call him "the spick." Now before anyone jumps all over me for using a derogatory racial term, let me explain. This guy comes up to the bar and immediately has his hands all over any guy around him, regardless of what they look like, straight or gay, with someone or single, he has no standards. He and I had several run-ins and every single time I asked him to stop or told him to get away from my bar he PRETENDS that he can't speak english. That's why I call him a spick, a dirty little lying prick-spick. I hate him. Really, I know people who say hate is a strong word, but it's true, I HATE HIM. As my mother would say, I wouldn't walk across the street to piss in his mouth if he teeth were on fire. So anyway, the spick is there, along with another annoying Hispanic man who thinks he should be the first person waited on, regardless of who else is waiting. Three separate times the spick came up to my bar and I just looked at him and said "no." It took me a few minutes more to get rid of his rude cousin but finally I got rid of him too. It was just a strange night overall, people were somewhat rude, though I did see a lot of regulars and friends. The music was fun but nothing really new.

I actually feel so much better today having slept some and having the next two days off work. Tonight is the final night of this season of the gay bowling league. It's been fun and the summer session starts in just a few week's. I should have a new team by then including one of my old teammates.

Ciao for now!


At 10:46 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

"...another annoying Hispanic man who thinks he should be the first person waited on..."

I don't live there anymore; who are you talking about?


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