Tuesday, June 27


I finished the bowling season and I think my team has secured 3rd place. I bowled a very sad 139 for my first game but came back for a 171 and a 169, both above my 156 average. My god, I am utter white trash. Seriously I drank two hi-life beers at the bowling alley.

A boy I work with at the pub, J.D. has issued a bowling challenge to me so we are going tonight. It's the only night we are both off this week. I think a couple of other friends are coming along as well. It's going to be a shame when I kick his ass and then am able to gloat about it all week long. I suppose he could win but I don't think he's got it in him...hee hee, got it in him...hee hee...whoops sorry.

Okay, for an update on smokin' hot boy that I mentioned on Saturday. On Sunday I asked where his boring friend was. He said he got rid of him and I said "well he doesn't even have sex" to which smokin' boy replied sheepishly, "He does as of this morning." Hot.

I wanted to thank everyone for all your fabulous comments about the Patsy Ramsey blog. It's good to know that all my friends are as sick and twisted as I am. Also I am glad that y'all check my blog even when I haven't been writing in a while. I'll try to keep up my blog whoring ways, but you know, I get busy.



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