Wednesday, June 28

Golden Gaffe

It's been a while since I posted a Golden Gaffe. Here goes.

In one episode the girls are about to discuss some issue around the kitchen table when Rose says she is going to get the girls favorite treat, ice cream and chocolate syrup. What? Everyone knows their favorite treat is cheesecake.

Secondly, the episode where Stan shows up and wants Dorothy to sign some papers to sell a piece of swamp land that they purchased on their honeymoon. If you recall Dorothy and Stan were both in high school when they went on their first date and Dorothy got pregnant. Now it's not so much of a gaffe as it is an inconceivable idea. Two brooklyn kids from a poor neighborhood go on a date, have sex, she gets pregnant, they get married. How did they afford to go on a honeymoon to Miami and on top of it all, buy a piece of property, even if it is swampland?

Where are the editors?


At 7:29 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

They could probably afford a little piece of heaven in the Lower 9th, though.

At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, run tell that!


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