Sunday, December 26

White Christmas and Deviled Eggs

I can't believe that we had a white Christmas in New Orleans. The first one since 1954 according to the TP. My family in Indiana had 12 - 14 inches of snow dropped on them in the days before the holiday but my snow was better by far. It was wonderful to open up my back door and see it falling down. This wasn't wimpy snow, this was big sticky flakes, the kind that keep you out of school when you're a child.

My Christmas was pretty mild, I was (and am) still battling bronchitis. An invite to a friends family celebration had to be turned down. I didn't want to be sick and a guest in someone else's home. They would be chasing me with lysol. Instead I made a pork roast for Jeff and I, some asparagus, coleslaw and potato salad. My mother had sent a box of gifts so I opened those. I had asked my mother to send me a deviled egg tray. You can't entertain in the south without a deviled egg tray. She sent me two. The bitches at the Baptist church are sure gonna be jealous, I can now travel with 40 deviled eggs. I also received a new tea kettle, some DVD's, an Activision joystick (Pitfall!), a book from Jeff (he's also buying me a toaster oven if ever I decide which one I want), a nice new shirt from my momma, a target gift card, some checks from my mother, uncle and grandmother (always a nice gift and it travels easily.)

There was also a very down part to my holiday. My sister called me Christmas Eve night to tell me that my father suffered a stroke. Two days later I can tell you that the stroke was seemingly very mild. He was able to walk on his own today and he can speak a few words. He still has partial paralysis in his right side, mostly in his arm and hand. He's going to have to endure quite a bit of therapy to get back to normal. I was able to talk to him today, though his speech isn't clear enough to be understood so he couldn't talk to me. My sister has been there throughout the ordeal and seems to be holding up alright. They are going to do an MRI and a catscan tomorrow to have a better idea of what damage was done by the stroke.

That's all the news for now. I go back to work today at the bar. Wish me luck.


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