Wednesday, November 3


Voice mails are piling up on my cell phone, which has gone unanswered since yesterday afternoon. Only a lack of food in my kitchen got me out of the house today. Going to the grocery store gave me something to do, something to focus my energies on. Thanksgiving is coming up and I will undoubtedly want to make something new, but I am a little short on thanks right now. I made a grocery list and Jeff went with me, probably more because he was worried that I might drive the car off the Crescent City Connection than anything else. When I came home I cleaned out my cabinets, freezer and refrigerator, throwing out anything that was anywhere close to an expiration or if I was knew it had lived out it's usefulness. It was somewhat healing. My recipe files were all out of whack so I organized them and started the dishwasher. Jeff's parents are coming by this weekend so the house should be cleaned up. They live in Jackson Mississippi and voted for Bush, I should probably be gone when they show up here.

To write about my anger, my frustration, my depression, my fears and worries would likely be preaching to the choir of the people who are "likely" readers of my web-blog. I thought I would throw out some info:

My hometowns voting record:
Matties Hometown:
There are so many things to say, so many things I wanted to hear from Kerry today when he conceded the election. I wanted him to say the things I want to say right now, like "What is wrong with you people?" (shaking fist at middle America!) Sadly it is Karl Rove and W and corporate Americas turn to laugh today, but that laughter will soon die down. I have no doomsday prediction about the next four years, I can't even let myself think that far down the road. While flipping around blogs and websites I came across the text to the Osama Bin Laden tape that was released last week. I'm sure there is some discrepancy to the translation but the message was clear, "We are having the last laugh, we spent 500,000 to take down the WTC and you've spent 500 million and haven't even caught me yet."
Work out some frustration about our (for the first time) President Elect.
I guess that's all...For now....The pressure from the ever present tears in my eyes today seems to have waned some. My mother agreed that Belize sounded good. Perhaps California, even if the terminator is the Governor. Who's to say. Every list and group whose e-mails I have diligently read over the last year were full of would be hope today. Yes there were some victories, but mostly there was just lies and fear tactics and disappointment.
I am turning off the comment section to this entry to prevent certain people (this would be you John F.) from making comments that would only incite my anger. In a few days, or perhaps weeks I will be able to take the taunting "crybabyliberalstupiddemocrat" crap that will most assuredly be spilled by every cracker with a modem, but today it might force me to stroke out.