Wednesday, November 10

Third time is a charm

Okay, this is the third time I have tried to write this entry and blogger keeps dumping it. Let's try again. I have been sick in bed for three days taking tons of cold medicine so I might have to come back and re-clarify this post later.

Lately I have been frustrated with some things about my work. Some observations:

  • If you are a shift manager (meaning you are a manager of a single shift) then really, manage. Don't "empower" me to take care of something if you're going to criticize the end result. On that note, if you are a manager who insists of taking care of things personally and not "empower" your staff to make decisions, then at least make yourself available to make that decision. When I have asked you four times to at least come and visibly look at a homeless person who I want to have barred, tear yourself away and come look at them and make a decision to bar them so they'll stop pawing my customers and panhandling.

  • If you are a manager and you decide to berate me in front of other employees and customers by telling me that everyone else doubled their sales for Halloween and you can't figure out what my problem is, make sure that I worked the previous Halloween. It might make your case seem stronger. As I suggested at that point, get a job with a suicide hotline encouraging people just to go ahead and off themselves, you'll be a success!

  • If you are a shift manager who feels the need to play a petty game (like cartman on South Park: "You are not respecting my authoriti") about when people will leave and when people will come on, try not to be so obvious about it or at least have the balls to admit what you are doing and have dialogue, you are supposed to be the manager after all. Leaving me on the bar after you had all the customers for an hour and then keeping my relief bartender in the back cooling his heels for an hour is very obvious and petty. You get a bonus check for holidays when you don't do anything managerial, at the least you could act managerial when you are the manager.

Just some observations.

In other news, Ashcroft resigned, Hooray! Let's see what kind of replacement we get. Dare I say they couldn't be worse. Perhaps Bush will go get a snake charming Pentecostal from rural West Virginia.

I love Bill Maher. When I watch Real Time I think, "My god, did I write this?"

Let me say this in caps so as not to be mis-understood: ENOUGH WITH THE FUCKING YELLOW LANCE ARMSTRONG BRACELETS. ENOUGH ENOUGH ENOUGH. Every trendy and/or wanna be trendy fag who is wearing these bracelets, stop, stop now. Buying them on Ebay doesn't donate money to the cause.

Enough for now, I'm going back to bed.


At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more on this one. I'm SICK of seeing them!!!!! It reminds me of the "frienship" bracelet of days gone by, that was made with cross-stich thread.

OOOOHHHH I think I want to make me one of those.

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree your manager sux....

And I am sooo tired of the fucking yellow bracelets, yellow is a horrible color. Call me Crazy but...


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