Sunday, January 9

Okay, I'll admit it....

I Love Cher. There. I said it. Now it's probably not a big shock to some of you. A gay guy likes Cher, alert the media. I however, retain membership in the black clothes wearing gloomy, hang behind the shop class and smoke menthol cigarettes gang from high school. We dislike things only because other people like them. We rebel. All kidding aside, I have long disliked the idolatry of pop stars that is self imposed upon the gay community. I don't like Madonna. I really don't. Sure, she has some good songs and I will admit to loving Evita. Sue me. She's a great business woman but her talent is pretty minimal. Anyway, back to Cher. Yes she's been on her farewell tour for over three years now. She's even making a return visit to Louisiana. This time she's going to Bossier City which I believe is somewhere near Shreveport. We get it Cher, go away. Yes she's had so much plastic surgery that she bears a striking resemblance to Chris Owens who bears a striking resemblance to a space alien. Yes she had children not only with Sonny Bono but also Greg Allman and one of those children is the painfully horrid Chastity Bono. However. However. When I woke up today the movie "Mermaids" was on television. While it's not a great film I was reminded what a wonderful actress she really is, really amazing. I mean, what other actress could go from "Come back to the five and dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean," to the not so great "Witches of Eastwick." I think my personal favorite film of hers is "Tea with Mussolini." Maggie Smith, Judi Dench and Cher, how could you go wrong really. Okay, while I can't believe that I just spent this much time typing about Cher, I have to say this. When Mermaids went off the air, "Dick Tracy" came on. Illustrating my point, Madonna is a HORRIBLE actress.

On to other things. I am going to Indiana on Tuesday to visit my family. My father is recovering from his stroke but now the real fun begins. He is having speech therapy which is done in the Occupational Therapy department of the hospital. Where my mother works. Yes it's true. After being divorced for 21 years and managing to still hate each other after all this time, they get to see each other every few days. My mothers head is about to explode. My sister is also being worn down. She said to me on the phone yesterday that she knew one day she would be stuck holding the bag. As she put it, "The day I saw that moving van head south I knew this day would come." Good Times.

I saw the best thing on New Years Eve. A woman riding her bicycle down the street in a full evening gown and heels. Tiara and Boa included. She was delivering pizza. I hate when people say things like "only in New Orleans" but I think that one qualifies.


At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, look at it this way, at least your Mom and Dad will be seeing each other in a hospital. That way medical treatment will not be far away for those innocent who get hit by the crossfire. Hope to see you while your here. John F in Indy.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

I saw Mexicans on New Years.

Shocking, I know, being in Southern Calif.

At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Singing and dancing sensation to "Jazz," "Blues," "Rock," Country and Western, Top-40-Variety and international flavor. Chris Owens, the most electrafying one woman show on the entertainment scene. A dazzler-talking-singing-dancing-sparkling-exploding perpetual motion coupled with her glowing personality sweeps the audience right into the tempo of the show. They never tire of her and keep "coming back for more" night after night, week after week! National and international critics rave and you will too! Town and Country: "Beauty in motion to a frenetic tempo!" Variety: "Chris Owens is a talentd entertainer." Newsweek: ""International singing & dancing sensation." MacLean's: "A beautiful and talented young lady with a figure that can only be described using one's hands."

New Orleanians know and love her as a true star of stage, screen, television and radio. Visitors to our city soon "discover" this Dynamic Entertainer and her show is becoming more international.

It is ours visitors who coined the phrase: You haven't seen New Orleans until you've seen Chris Owens!

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been almost a month now. I am bereft.


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