Monday, August 22

I Do Love My Dogs...But...

Today was doggie bath day. Jeff and I both had the afternoon free so we decided to take the dogs to the Pooch Palace to wash them. I should explain that you need to wash greyhounds with warm water because they are very susceptible to cold. Since I only have a shower in my house the dogs are too large to wash there so I take them to the Pooch Palace. It's kind of a dog wash-a-teria. The dogs don't particularly like the baths but they endured. Afterwards we went to Petco to get some pet food and since the dogs had been so good, I let them each pick out a new toy. This entails letting them nose everything on the toy aisle until they pick something. Chase picked a stuffed bone while Dash went for a squeaking duck on a rope kind of thing. When we got home I was taking the tags off when I notice that Dash's toy says "Press me, I talk!"
"Talk?" I thought, "How does it talk?" When I pressed the ducks head it said "Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack..." Dash was immediately intrigued, grabbed the duck and ran off, a trailing quack as he headed for the living room. Keeping the ducks head in his mouth the quack never quite ends, the pressure keeping the incessant noise going. Then it got stuck in the on mode, lying in the middle of the living room quacking at us until Jeff shook it to a stop. Luckily both dogs are napping now and we are quackless but I assume this will be a favorite toy for a while until it breaks or my nerves are shattered to a point of ripping the quacker out.

In other news, Happy Birthday Dorothy Parker! Though Dorothy would be 112 today, the old girl is still kicking along in the wicked hearts of her fans. A little Dorothy for you...

They hail you as their morning star
Because you are the way you are.
If you return the sentiment,
They'll try to make you different;
And once they have you, safe and sound,
They want to change you all around.
Your moods and ways they put a curse on;
They'd make of you another person.
They cannot let you go your gait;
They influence and educate.
They'd alter all that they admired.
They make me sick, they make me tired.

Over the weekend I was once again witness to a great couple argument on the streets of New Orleans. A man and woman, he was screaming something unintelligible to her and then kept crossing the street to get away from her. She would cross after him and he would again switch sides, both of them stumbling across the roads in a zig zag pattern. Finally they got to the gate of their hotel and the man rammed his head into the wood door frame a few times before punching in the appropriate code and the two of them disappeared, oh L'amour, L'amour, L'amour...


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