Monday, August 15


On the country radio station here in New Orleans there is an annoying Andy Rooney type of character that comes on every night at six. He's supposed to be the redneck angry American type, you know, making fun of progress, preferring to sit on the back porch and see who can spit watermelon seeds farthest. Anyway he will occasionally say something quite funny and today was a good one. He was talking about how school supplies have changed, how his kid went from needing a couple pairs of jeans and a transformer lunchbox to now needing a cell phone and a laptop. Right at the end he launched into this bit about how he never knew what you needed a protractor for but he always had to have one for school and how he was happy as a slow kid with a penny when he got his protractor....Now that's funny.

Oh, birthdays birthdays...I have forgotten to mention so many over the summer but today happens to be the birthday of my friend Mark B. in Dallas and Tod S. in Indianapolis so happy birthday to the two of them. I missed a bunch of them over the summer, in July alone there was my sister, Jefferson and Mike F. Happy belated birthday to Doug R, John F. And Billy B. up in Indy as well as to Mike F. who has moved from Chicago to NY. Way back in June there was Jim L. out in San Francisco and DJ Rev here in New Orleans. Lots of parents were screwing in the winter months, jeez. Anyway, a big fat happy birthday to everyone I mentioned and I'm sure I missed some so Happy Birthday!!!


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