Monday, October 3

Playing Catch Up

Saturday the 27th I wrote my last blog while in New Orleans. We had yet to decide about our evacuation. I left for work about 7:30 or so and said to Jeff before leaving, "I think we should definitely think about leaving tomorrow." That night was very busy; unusually so because the night before a hurricane is normally filled only with the most noxious of trash. That Saturday was fun, full of regulars and boy were they drinking. Kyle Kennedy, AKA doogie was back dancing on the bar along with Christopher and Bryan. Little Duane was VJing, the music was fun. Lots of people had already evacuated but those left were determined to have a good time. I saw more people rolling on X than I had ever seen I think. I was a bit shocked by that, thinking, "Shouldn't you be planning a way out of town instead of searching for your next red bull and orange juice??" I digress. Jeff called about 11:30 and I was busy but I called him back about an hour later. He sounded frantic on the phone and said "I want out of here yesterday, I've packed the car, what time do you get off work??" I knew that Uncle Tom Nagin, the idiot mayor, was planning to announce the mandatory evacuation at 7 am and the bar was going to close at 6 am. I was working with Ron, who I knew wasn't planning to evacuate, so I asked him if I could take off early. He said yes, I finished up, had a drink or two to relax and then headed home. Jeff did indeed have the car loaded and so we set to work preparing to evacuate. I had packed up some important things the day before, thinking we may end up staying at the bar if things got to rough. We took our dining room table and desk and laid the boxsprings and mattresses across them with things piled on top and a big tarp over that...The couch was put up high by balancing it across two chairs...CD's and DVD's were put up higher, bookshelves were cleaned off, shutters were nailed shut. Finally we loaded the dogs, nailed shut the front door and we were off to Baton Rouge about 7:30 in the morning.

The trip there was long, but mostly uneventful. I say that because I slept almost the entire way much as one could sleep with two nervous dogs panting in your ear...and seven hours later we pulled into the driveway of my friend Phillip and our next adventure began...

(obviously this story is long and will take a few entries, which will hopefully
be coming more often now that I am back to more constant DSL lines)

On a side note I want to send a big hearty Fuck You out to a man I had to wait on today, the one who ordered cole slaw but then insisted he ordered fries. Yes a big hearty fuck you, and yes I charged you for the fries because you kept the coleslaw too but I hope that speaking to me in such a demeaning way made you feel like a big man in front of your friends and made up for your micro-cock swimming around in those 36 inch carharts that are holding up your blue collar, cheap rot-gut swilling beer gut....



At 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:52 AM, Blogger P@rick said...

Would you like to Supersize those fries?


Hope to see you soon, I am having a very rough time at this...many tears shed.

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We wish we were able to eat coleslaw...

At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heart you, lawrence.


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