Saturday, November 18

Post Election Wrap Up

I am not really sure what wise words I could add to the coverage of the election. Arizona republican congressman Jeff Flake probably said it best when he appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher. "We got beat like a borrowed mule," the congressman said. I couldn't agree more.

So many republicans lost their long held seats, but none made me happier than the defeat of Rick Santorum. His concession speech was fabulous, especially with his children crying on national television. I wanted to catch their tears with a spoon and drink them. Check out these pictures of his whining little daughter. "My daddy's not a Senator anymore!"


At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to see the birth certificate and a paternity test. I think they stole that homely girl from a Penn Dutch family. One day, when she's a repressed housewife to a baptist minister, after her fouth glass of white zinfindel, she'll dig into her closet, pull out the dress, and sit quietly sobbing in a corner remember the life where she could have grown into adulthood as the daughter of a powerful senator. Now she lives in semi-poverty, teaching Sunday school to a bunch of spoiled conservative brats. Her only solice will be her boxed wine and her favorite cupcake recipe.

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that homely little bitch rots in hell with her hateful father. Good riddance.

You want a little girl to rot in hell and you call him hateful? Wow. So much for the left being caring.
John F

At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite moment of the night was during a replay of this scene one of the multiple commentators from MSNBC making the statement, "There's only one thing left to say to this little girl. . .'There are a lot of people who hate your daddy.'" Wow, how's that for objective reporting!

At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, that's right! I said it! And I'd say it again too! It may be hateful but I own it and that's why I'm not a Republican trying to act holier than thou or running for office. I stand by my original statement. Burn baby burn.

At 7:31 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

" I wanted to catch their tears with a spoon and drink them."

Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger YankeeNexile said...

I don't understand how anyone could criticize an MSNBC correspondent while Fox news is still in existence. Sadly it seems that all news agencies these days have political leanings. Fox news motto seems to be "If we say it, you better believe it and we are always right, get it, right."

Hating Rick Santorums family may not be "friendly" but he uses his family as political pawns so he puts them on the firing range himself. I find it doubtful that his children are learning anything but their fathers hateful ways. Being the child of a public figure who has striven to make other peoples lives difficult is not an easy existence. I only hope his children will survive to adulthood
with some ability to think for themselves but I doubt they receive much encouragement in that department.

I personally dislike Santorum because of his views on gays and privacy and abortion and certainly for suggesting that New Orleans citizens who were unable to leave during the hurricane deserved to be punished. How's that for conservatives being caring?


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