Monday, February 5

The return of Anne Frank

Having been chastised for my lack of blogging, I feel compelled to return to the blogosphere.

But you'll have to wait just a little while longer.


I have to go to my Monday night bowling league but plan to blog when I get home or first thing tomorrow. I have a long list of things to cover so it might take a few actual entries before everything gets covered.

Let's see, what all do I have to write about.

1. My recent trip to L.A. (and my thwarted attempt to get on The Price is Right)
2. A new man in my life and a subsequent trip to Orlando.
3. My hometown winning the superbowl
4. Recent movies.
5. Recent books.
6. Rants and Raves about my work.
7. The SugarBowl (yeah I know it was a while back but I have a funny story)
8. The holiday season (I know it's a while back but hey I've been busy)

So it's coming, look for it, wait for it, live for it. What was it they said in Fast Times at Ridgemont High; No shirt, no shoes, no dice.

See You Soon!


At 10:44 PM, Blogger Lucy's loyal sidekick said...

The Greenwood Colts looked AWESOME last night. Geaux, G-Colts!

At 11:50 AM, Blogger P@rick said...

Are you a champion of the downhearted?

(wink wink)


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