Thursday, July 29

Why you might ask...

Why you might ask am I sitting here in the lesbian box office (also known as French quarter postal emporium) typing this entry to you?  Why?  Why?  Well let me tell you.  As you might have noted from a previous entry, my cable modem was struck by lightning a few weeks back and I had to replace it.  Then my ethernet card went out, so that was replaced (lovingly by the effervescent DJ Rev).  Still, no internet.  So after three lovely calls to Cox Communications, our local cable provider, I am scheduled to have a tech visit next TUESDAY.  Yes, this is Thursday and yes that will be a week I am without internet service.  Does anyone else remember that the man who once owned Cox Communications is now the Mayor of New Orleans?  No wonder the city is in the shitter. 

Anyway, let's move on, shall we. 

First I want to send out some birthday greetings, to John F.  in Indy, and John might I say how nice it was to see you on my recent visit...and to my big sister Julie, who turned (muffled sound) this week.  Today, the 29th, is Jeffersons birthday and he inches a year closer to 30.  Last Sunday was beautiful Justin C's birthday who is,  at last,  21.  Also on the birthday list my friend Mike F. in Chicago and coming up on the 3rd of August, Raymond T. in Indy.  Also on the third is Connie from Oxford, MS who will be in town this weekend, so say hello and wish her a happy birthday.  God I feel like that fat guy from the today show.....The most important birthday though is coming up this Monday....MY BIRTHDAY!  yes that's right, I will be turning (muffled sound), an age I can't believe I have achieved without at least one bullet or knife wound. 

My birthday will be spent at the Bourbon Pub.  This Monday is our annual "Oh What a Drag" turnabout show.  At this writing I am unsure of my role in the show, I may just be doing a number or I may be doing partial MC duties depending on wether or not the usual MC is available.  This will require me to remain somewhat sober which will be a miracle since we all show up at 3 and the show isn't until 9.  I promise to do my best and hopefully not to fall and bust my ass.  Per usual I am not prepared yet and the show is but days away so I will be spending tomorrow shopping at big girl stores for shoes and putting together outfits from borrowed dresses and wigs.  Perhaps I will be a red head this year.  Those of you in the area should definitely come check out the show, it's always a hoot.  Jon R., Juanita, will be turning over her crown to a new "Queen of the Night" (I was crowned in 2001).  who will be the new drunk bitch of the night this year. 

My time is winding down here at ye old postal shop so I must go...Ciao for now.

Monday, July 26

Silly Quiz....Don't you love gentrification...

Procured from Beautiful Brian's blog.

You Are The Suave Gay Man

What Type Of Gay Man Are You?
brought to you by

Sunday, July 25

A quintessential New Orleans Morning

While walking home this morning about 6:30 I stopped at the gay deli for a little brekkie.  I was with Matt and that usually ends up in at least one of us getting hurt.  So while Matt was making out with one or two boys outside (one of whom we had nicknamed inside of 10 seconds of meeting him) I was inside being jokingly taunted into a kickboxing match by the homophobic cook.  I told him I couldn't kickbox since I was wearing bell bottoms or I would bust my ass on the floor.  He kept taunting me so I attempted to do my Karate Kid moves for him and wouldn't you know it, I ended up right on my ass.  You would think I would know better but hell, southern comfort said I could do it, so I tried.  Oh well.

Friday, July 23

Finally, a new post

I still owe a great deal of info about my two week vacation and then we can get back to my day to day diatribes.
My Summer Vacation  by Lawrence
I finally pulled into Indy in the noonish hour and was immediately whisked off to lunch and a movie with my mother and sister.  We went to see Fahrenheit 9/11.  Now let me say a few words about my hometown, Greenwood.  The city was mostly a farming community until the white flight of the late sixties and early seventies that created urban sprawl.  It remains a very conservative, WHITE area, quiet and clean.  My mother refers to it as "Camelot".   We all doubted that any of  republican G-wood would desire to see such hideous propaganda as Fahrenheit 9/11 and half expected an empty theater.  Keep in mind that one of the most vile congressmen serving today is from my hometown, Dan Burton.  Dan hates just about everybody but queers are among his favorite targets.  Even worse, Danny boy has a brother who is even more putrid and nasty  than he is who currently serves in the Indiana House.  ANYWAY, off to the movies we scamper.  AMC theaters just built a huge multi-plex at the local mall, a cookie cutter theater, seemingly like any other one in the country.  When we were going into the theatre, I noticed the security officer standing there, but thought nothing about his presence.  What business doesn't have security these days.  Halfway through the movie I was leaving to go to the bathroom when I realized the officer, who turned out to be not a security guard, but an official ARMED Greenwood Officer, sitting inside the theater.  I was sort of bewildered about this and so when I left I approached who I thought was the manager and began to ask a few questions.  Another woman had beaten me to the punch and was trying to get some answers from "Tim", who must have been in charge, he was wearing a tie for gods sake.  Every question we asked was met with a question in response, such as "Who hired this person?"  "Well don't you think our theater should have a security guard here?".  It was all very circular with Tim becoming more evasive and belligerent as the conversation wore on.  Finally I asked him, since he obviously had no answers and was a complete buffoon, who I might speak too that actually had some authority.  He briskly handed me a pre-printed "Enjoying the Show?  We want to know" card with the address of the company and a 1-800 number.  I asked him who the REAL manager of the theater was and he gave me the name Davin Clous.  When I asked him HIS name he pushed his little laminated ID badge at me and said "TIM!".  I asked his last name and he said "that's all you need to know, I'm not talking about this any longer" and stalked off after checking the level of popcorn oil in his popper. 

I spent the next few days visiting with friends and socially drinking at some of Indy's hot spots like the Metro and English Ivy's.  My sister asked me to go with her to a softball game that was being played by the staffers of the Micro-brew restaurant where she had previously worked.  She told me we were going there to heckle and have fun.  Obviously my brand of heckling (including screaming "small strike zone" at a midget type person) was more than what they were wanting, so I was shushed.  Nothing else much exciting went on and then Thursday I was off to Michigan to camp.

The camp ground had changed a lot since my last visit some six years ago.  They have added a pool and several new camping areas.  We were there early but there were already a lot of campers and we met a lot of nice folks.  After deciding on a site we made camp, fixed a cocktail and set off for adventures.  The first night was fun but I hit the hay early, cuddled up in my extremely oversized air mattress in my huge tent. 

Friday the rest of our campers arrived along with a TON of other people, so the campground was very full.  Somehow I managed to meet most of them in our traveling parties (at night it's common for the campers to go around to other campfires and visit with folks).  Saturday we all decided to head into town for a while and check out the shops.  Saugatuck has a lot of fun stores like hoopdee scootee, tons of art galleries and the like.  We didn't spend much time there as it was very busy and well, because some of the people I was with were in-fighting and bitching.  I guess it was just easier to go back to camp.  We planned to go back into town later that night for dinner and then we would be off to the farm party!  Back at camp some of us hit the pool and played water volleyball and then I settled down for a quick nap.  It started to rain a little bit but by the time we got to town for dinner it was a downpour.  My friend Jonathon and I made complete asses of ourselves (okay, I made a complete ass of myself) fawning over the two straight boys at the store next to the restaurant, but I did buy a new toe ring.  After dinner, and with the rain still pouring down, we decided to skip Saturday nights outdoor farm party and headed instead to the gay bar/resort called the Dunes.  A large place, the dunes houses a few different dance floors, a lounge type bar and a cabaret.  We went to the cabaret show but I cannot tell you the name of the entertainer, I immediately blocked out her name.  The show was sooooo terrible, I mean terrible with a capital F.  I told my friends, "I have to use the restroom somewhere else in this building." 

The rain seemed to slow about 2 am and we decided to head back to camp-it, change clothes and go to the other party.  There was a lot of standing water around the campground.  I think mostly due to the building of the pool the rest of the camp seems to be on a bit of a slope.  When I popped into my tent I was greeted with a very large "Splash" sound of the massive amount of water in my tent.  EVERYTHING was wet.  The next two or three hours were spent trying to wash and dry my belongings to no avail.  I finally submitted to fate and slept in my car the rest of the night.  My tent-mates, also rained out, packed up their wet things early in the morning and we decided to drive back to Indianapolis. 

Tuesday night I again headed to metro for Karaoke hosted by my friend Danny (Dannon).  All in all my trip was great just for getting to see so many old friends.  Now when I say old friends it really is meant to be two fold...When did we all get so old?  I find it unbelievable that I will be 33 in 9 days.  (packages may be mailed to French Quarter Postal Emporium, 1000 Bourbon Street, New Orleans, LA 70116).  In all seriousness, it seems like only yesterday that I was turning 23.  This year should be my fifteen year high school reunion.  I did go to my ten year reunion but I figure that to be the last one.   Center Grove class of '89 alumni probably won't miss me.

Back to my vacation.  Wednesday I went to Paramounts Kings Island in Cincinnati Ohio.  My sister went along (Happy Birthday Polly!) as well as my two friends Jason and Michael.  I cannot imagine a better group of all my Indiana friends to put together for such a trip.  We all laughed and carried on so much that my stomach was sore all the next day.  The highlight had to be the fat girls in line for the scooby doo haunted mansion committing destruction by eating of a funnel cake.  Jason correctly described the event as "all you saw was hooves and teeth".   The only thing that would have made the day better would have been for the ping twins to be there.  (for those of you that don't know who the ping twins are, it's a private reference meant for certain readers of this page).

I had been gone nearly two weeks and it was time to head home.  Two friends from Indy planned to follow me back down to N.O. and spend a few days.  We had walkie talkies which made our drive great, being able to make comments about everything from the scenery to the moronic drivers of Tennessee.  Other than that our trip back was mostly un-eventful save trying to stop for some dinner in Alabama.  Bessemer Alabama has several exits and we chose the wrong one, twice.  Seriously I have never seen such racially motivated depression type housing since I watched Good Times as a child.  Luckily for all of us the gang warfare of the area seemed to be sated for the time being and we ate quickly and took off for the interstate.    We pulled into New Orleans in good time, about 12 hours.  As I neared the turn to take me into the French quarter from Rampart street I saw a robbery on the street and I knew I was home. 

Thursday, July 8

The continuing trials of a Mid-Western vacation...

I had made my way through the Birmingham area when I stopped in a little town named Warrior Alabama. This was a big gas/food/beer stop and they were gearing up for the Fourth of July weekend by stocking up on beer. Since I am not a big beer drinker I have missed the recent ruckus thrown up about Miller Lite products. I still don't really know the whole story but from what I gather, controlling interest of Miller Lite was bought by South African Breweries. Budweiser (made by the St. Louis based Bush breweries) has responded in a series of ads depicting their competition as "non-American". Nowhere was this so true as in Warrior Alabama. There was a huge sign by the Budweiser display reading "Hello Miller Lite, you must be an American to be a candidate for 'The President of Beers' ". Given that this gas/food/beer station also had a cold beer area (in fact a whole other cavernous room) that was named "The Beer Cave," I think these people take their beer pretty seriously.

Also of interest at this hour on the radio news was about a couple (I think from California) who have named their child ESPN. This is presumably pronounced espen.  Why are gays still being blamed for causing the destruction of American values.

As I traveled northward through Tennessee and then Kentucky, my country music choices became more varied and enjoyable. I did however encounter yet another god based country song that sent me over the edge. Joe Nichols "Nobody Believed in You," a heartfelt questioning song about the lack of faith in today's society. Blech. I was also treated to a new song, "Save a horse, Ride a Cowboy" which was a lot more fun. When I approached Nashville I was thrilled to hear a phrase I hadn't heard in a while "Kentuckiana," a word used to describe both Northern Kentucky and Southern Indiana. I knew I was close to my childhood home and then I crossed the great Ohio River which serves also as the border between the bluegrass state and being "Back Home Again in Indiana."  I was still hell bent on my country music, having heard the top 40 count-down on at least three different stations. None of them were running at the same pace however so I was stuck for a while re-listening to the mid-teen spots. Toby Keiths "Whiskey Girl," was one of those songs and it is particularly annoying. Near Seymour Indiana I got my first taste of my hometown station, WFMS, Indiana's home of country music. Shortly thereafter I stopped at a rest stop    for a quick bathroom break. (For those that need correction on that last link, no I did not get lucky at a rest-stop, nor have I ever, nor would I ever, okay...) When I saw the large collection of Sunday church going obese people, I knew for sure I was back in Indiana.

Sunday, July 4

Before I forget....

My vacation agenda was intended to be quite simple. Drive to Indiana, spend time with family and then travel northward to Michigan to camp at the gay campground. I would then have a few more days to go to Ohio (Kings Island!) Since I am a nighttime worker it made perfect sense for me to drive through the night and be able to nap when I arrived, thus slowly working into a more daytime awake/nighttime sleep mode. The drive from New Orleans to Indiana is a pretty dull one, especially at night. The one thing I look forward to is the overwhelmingly good country music stations across the south and hilarious call in talk shows. Somewhere between Meridian, MS and Huntsville, AL I managed to only get one good country station and no really good talk shows. I suppose that it was late Saturday night going into Sunday morning that it made sense that there was a religious tone to most of the shows. I find that boring so I stayed with my redneck music. The closer (coming and going) that I got to Birmingham I was taken in by a advertising blitzkrieg that would make any focus group run and hide. There were really only two commercials on this station but both of them were run somewhere in the range of EVERY 2 to 7 minutes. The first one, for the "Alabama Deer Hunters Expo", urged you to enter YOUR stuffed deer in the "Recognition Program," OR, OR, as the commercial states, "Gaze for hours at the taxidermy Display." I thought this was pretty horrifying, not being a hunter or a fan of dead things hanging on walls (shut up, I eat cows and wear leather shoes, I get the hypocrisy). How was I to know that the worst was yet to come. Rusters Western Wear was also advertising under the auspice that "You need to look good to go see Shania Twain in concert!" Rusters even took it a step further and offered 20% off if you brought in your ticket or 10% just for mentioning the ad. It wasn't immediately clear if you got a total of 30 for both supplying a ticket and mentioning the ad.

I shall add more later, but I do need a nap...

Thursday, July 1

Vacation, Schmacation

Sorry for the absence of posts, but I am on vacation in Sunny Indiana. Thus far the trip has been pleasant, if uneventful. It's been great to see my sister, mom and old friends and I have many things to share with you. It's gettin late now (dear god, did I just say it was late at 12:30 at night??)so I think I should go to bed. My body is slowly adjusting to early bed and early rise (10 am usually) but I will probably be happy to go back to my all nite life and late day sleeping.

My best to all my gentle readers (all 5 of you) and I promise many hilarious observations and outtakes early next week. Everything from deer hunter expos to throwing up in your mouth fortune cookies and let's not forget heavily armed police officers watching over those of us who chose to spend our money to see Farenheit 9/11....but more about that later. I'm off to Michigan tomorrow morning for five days of camping at a gay campground. One can only assume that I will have much to say when it's over..Ta Ta for now...